was littered with boxes. The room had an awful scent of cigarette smoke, alcohol, and rotten food. As I took in my surroundings, I noticed a chain which connected to the bed. To my horror, I discovered that the chain was also connected to my ankle. I quickly attempted to pry the chain off of my ankle, but quickly stopped when I heard a man’s voice tell me it wouldn 't work. That was when I realized a strange but yet familiar man was sitting across from me holding a knife and smoking a cigarette. He sat there just staring at me while he smoked occasionally he would mutter sentences to himself. While he stared at me, I noticed how his eyes were dark and filled with hatred towards me. Finally, he stood up and slowly walked towards me. With every step he took towards me, my heart began to beat faster and louder. As my heart beated faster, my body became to get more rigid and stiff. As he stood in front of me, he began to berate me with questions and scream at me how this was all my fault and how I deserved this. Since my mind was still in a fog, I couldn’t answer his questions and to be completely honest I didn’t know who he was. This made the man livid which resulted in beating me until Iwas unconscious. When I regained consciousness, I noticed I was left alone in the small room. I quickly attempted to break free, but the metal chain just dug deeper and deeper into my skin causing me to bleed. After several tries I decided to give up and to accept my fate which was…
The quote “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains” (Rousseau) doesn’t hold the same meaning it did when Rousseau originally wrote it, but it can still be applied to many facet’s in today’s life. Rousseau’s quote can be applied to many areas in our everyday lives, such as government restrictions, work, and social acceptance and norms. Every day in many aspects we face restrictions that stop us from doing something we may desire to do, but cannot because of regulations against it. Every…
A teapot with the detailing of a realistic looking heart with chain links wrapped tightly around the heart is called “Heart Teapot: Petrol Hostage,” and it is one of many teapots in the Yixing Series by American ceramist, Richard Notkin, in 2013 (Pentilla, 2014). Notkin’s ceramic heart teapot is a relatively small teapot (6.5” x 11.25” x 5.75”) made from stoneware with a matte glaze that appears to have a rusted color that covers the entire teapot. The abstract teapot was designed to look like a…
At the beginning of the poem “Those Winter Sundays” by Robert Hayden, the speaker introduces cold and uncomfortable images to relay the tone of the poem: Regret for not respecting his father. Hayden uses “blueback cold” in the second line, presenting a tone of sadness and loneliness throughout the house that the speaker and his family like in. The word “blueblack” is such an uncommon word that it carries an extremely negative feeling, exemplifying the cold feeling of distance throughout the…
Typically, most businesses were trying to transform/update their outdated systems to a well behaved supply chain system operation. Frequently, current systems does not meet the evolved modern requirements of the business; and American Airlines is in the similar struggling phase which is a barrier for efficiency work flow system. For instance, if the company needs to switch the inbound shipment, Lack of transparency can turn a simple judgment to redirect the component to another port which has a…
1. Introduction Hotel Chain as showing to us practice is the most effective way of integration to hospitality business. The main advantage of such integration it is immediately creating customer base and bigger potential market of customers, cost reduction due to general management, logistics, marketing; common quality standards; centralized training and, as a consequence of all this, the increase in labour productivity. The first chain of hotels was born in the USA in the crisis 30s of the…
Introduction The main purpose of carrying out this research is, therefore, to analyse whether there is enough potential for Chipotle to penetrate the entire Melbourne markets with its fast food chain services. The possibility of expanding to different major cities in the form of opening up of its branches would be analysed in detail in this research. This particular research to examine the success factor of Chipotle in Australian markets is highly justified because the fast food retail industry…
Introduction This report is analyzing Marriott International’ merger with Starwood hotels, going through an evaluation of different levels of strategy. Merging is the combination of one or two companies or other business entities into one single entity, to achieve a greater efficiency of scale and productivity. Mergers and acquisitions are usually done to expand a company’s reach, add new segments, or gain more market share. Marriott International is a huge global lodging company, established…
The positive impacts have led to increasing the diversity of species as well as attracting civilians. Throughout the recent years, different kinds of fish have been added to the lake. This has allowed the fish population as well as the lake diversity to increase significantly. The introduction of a new species to the lake provides many opportunities socially as well as environmentally. However, the fishing available at Standing Bear Lake could prove to be a problem in the future. Overfishing…
Douglas Mawson’s soles of his feet were hanging off, oozing blood and pus, as he trudged through the snow of Antarctica. Would you make a physical sacrifice like that to achieve a goal? There have been a copious amount of sacrifices made to make new discoveries in science. The scene described above was suffered by Douglas Mawson. This man and two other people made very substantial sacrifices; he risked his life to learn as much about Antarctica as he could and sacrificed the most out of all of…