students who fall through the gap. The major gap identified is between the number of actual students with disabilities and the number of students who receive resources through campus disability service centers. Boise State falls into the same category in regards to other postsecondary education institutions across the nation. To put this gap into perspective, according to the Institute of Educational Sciences National Center for Education Statistics approximate 11.1% of the population of postsecondary students on average have some form of a disability. In Spring 2016 term, according to the Boise State enrollment data published on Boise State University website, the number of students enrolled is 19,271 (Census Day… 2016); calculating the average percentage of students with disabilities and the Spring 2016 enrollment data, there are approximately 2,139 students on Boise State campus who have some form of a disability. However, according to Wendy Turner Director of the Boise State Disability Resource Center (DRC), they had contact with only 511 students receiving accommodations or services through the DRC in the Spring 2016 semester (Turner, 2016). This data emphasizes and illustrates the gap between student communication and awareness and resource programs on Boise State campus. While one could argue that the DRC is at fault, in actuality they are providing the resources required upon them by law. The additional argument could be made that since they are providing the…
I hope all is well with you Emily. I talked with you over the last couple of month. I was having a hard time with the College of Western Idaho meeting my Reasonable Accommodations. I eventually got that worked out but it did not make me feel good going there anymore so I decided to transfer to a bigger school Boise State University because I thought that they would have more resources to accommodate me; I was wrong. Speaking to you put my heart at ease on the legal definitions and I could tell…
On the 10 minute stretch from the City of Mountain Home to Mountain Home Air Force base I cried quietly in the back of the SUV. The trip approximately 3,000 miles across the states to a total alien place became too overwhelming to hold in the tears any longer. I wanted my old life back. I soon realized how much I had lost when I moved so far from my hometown of Valdosta. I lost a physical connection with all of my best friends. Today, I have only one best friend from Valdosta. My family bought…
choose Idaho State Univeristy? My academic journey at Idaho State University has consisted of great vicissitudes mentally and emotionally. The time I have spent at ISU has allowed me to develop as a professional, grow as an individual and discover my talents as an academic. So the answer to the question, ‘why did I choose Idaho State University?’ is a simple one, but comes with a lengthy and vigorous journey. I fell in love with ISU and everything it has to offer on a professional and…
About Theodora Colborn Dr. Theodora Colborn was a toxicologist who founded the quote, “endocrine disruptor.” This term means how chemicals can destroy and affect health of the endocrine system. Colburn earned her Ph.D when she was 58 from the University of Wisconsin (Grossman, Vandenberg, Thayer, & Birnbaum, 2015, pg. A54). Before going back to school, Colborn was a sheep farmer and a grandmother (Motavalli, 1997, pg. 2). Thirty-five years ago, she did research on species of the Great Lakes who…
The following discussion will explore three fictional arbitration proceedings and outcomes, including Substance Abuse, Sexual Harassment, and a Work Family Conflict. Proceeding #1- Substance Abuse M.A Patout Enterprise is a sugar-producing factory located in New Iberia, Louisiana. This factory is the largest sugar producer in the state, in which, they grind roughly 450,000 tons of sugar cane per year. The company commonly employs workers of a different nationality, as well as, residents who…
Kristin Armstrong Idaho. The City of Boise, Idaho, renamed one of the city’s oldest and most popular parks after 43-year-old mother and full-time career woman Kristin Armstrong, who recently won her third-straight gold medal in the women’s cycling individual time trials at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. After overcoming a diagnosis of osteoarthritis in 2001, Kristin is now the most decorated female cyclist in U.S. history and a leader in her community. The Kristin Armstrong…
As a high school student, I was greatly involved in service through activities such as being a junior volunteer at my local hospital and creating my own donation drive for a domestic violence shelter. My time at Boise State not only allowed me to continue to serve my community, but I also developed leadership skills and carried out projects I never thought I could be capable of. As a freshman, I helped found the Boise State chapter of Colleges against Cancer and was in charge of creating,…
The hardest thing for her was being an adult, having to pay bills, managing money, and just being a lot more busy. College made her more independent, confident, and responsible. She is now in school at Pacific State University in Oregon, and is getting her Doctorate in Pharmacy. Once she found what she wanted to in life, her path just opened for her, and she is happy now. She made a lot of friends in school so far, and she still hangs out with them once in awhile, including her friends from…
My decision to apply to Western Washington University comes from my inspiration to achieve what I envision my self-becoming someday. Up to this point in my college education, life has been and up and down ride, definitely not what I had envisioned. But the one thing I’ve always kept true to myself is who I see myself becoming in the future. My senior year of high school was filled with questions of where I saw myself in five or ten years, and I thought I had a perfect idea of what that would be.…