members of the US Marine Corps and their families. Someone ironically for the bomber, the race’s high turnout led to it being delayed. The bomb in New Jersey makes much more sense to us. There’s a clear message, even if it is a reprehensible one. Even without a manifesto, we can start to comprehend the bomber’s performance, though their exact ideological background will be hazy without more context. But we cannot understand the bomb in Chelsea without more information. It seems random, without a script. So we wait for the cliff notes of the play, whether it comes from the perpetrator or the police and continue to wonder what the significance was. As the official wonders: “So the question is: Is the location significant, in terms of motive? And we don’t know that 23rd Street has any particular significance.” Here’s another idea: the location just was not significant. There is no particular reason the bomb was placed under a dumpster on 23rd Street other than convenience. But why? Why go to the trouble of making one of the most complex improvised explosive devices found in the US and then putting it in a spot that isn’t symbolic, nor particularly conducive to causing mass casualties? After all, surely the bomber hoped it would cause more physical damage than 29 minor injuries. The two bombs in New York were filled with ball bearings - they were obviously designed to kill. Here’s my guess: the bomber/s, as they were looking to place the bomb, messed up. Their nerves got to…
responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings. The terror ended after the brothers were captured four days later. Boston Marathon Bombing 2013 Boston Marathon was held on Patriots’ day. At 2:49 pm , 2 vicious bombs exploded Killed 3 spectators , wounded more than 260 other people . The two brothers 19 year- old Tamerlan Tsarnaev and 26 year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are recognized as the boston marathon bombers . The brothers planted two bombs which was set off near the finish line of…
the bomb. This term is perfect for the book Bombs Away: The Story of a Bomber Team by John Steinbeck. In the book, Steinbeck attempts to expose the American public to the lives of Air Force bombing squads, specifically during the time period surrounding World War II. Not only does he describe the lives of these soldiers for “the men of the future bomber teams and for their parents, for the people at home” (Steinbeck xxvii), but also he seeks to entice young men and women to join the Air Force…
“It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it” - Douglas MacArthur. You must be able to risk things in order to have a gain. He was born on January 17, 1921 and passed away on March 6, 2007 at the age of 86. Louis Ted Seith was the commander of the 483rd Bomb Group which destroyed the only flying prototype of the Nazi Long Range Bomber and lots of fighter jets while more than 200 enemy fighters opened fire on the bomb squadron without an escort from ally fighter jets. He may have…
The concept of strategic bombing is said to be have been conceived by Giulio Douhet, and advocated using bombers to destroy population centres, transportation hubs, manufacturing sites and important public and private buildings. Douhet envisaged that the resultant devastation would affect the countries capacity to wage war and result in a deterioration of civilian morale, leading to an early conclusion to any conflict. The development of airpower in WWII enabled nations to wage total war where…
The Air Staff has determined the B-52 wing must be redesigned to better support additional structural demands. The engineering design project was conducted to construct a new wing beam design for the B-52 bomber and to compose an analysis of the new main wing spar. Given the information and the requirements that must be met with this design, our team went through the steps of the design process to come up with 3 concept variants. Of the 3 variants, we recommend to the Air Staff that the beam is…
statements do apply to the cruise missile, they also apply to an older, less glorious instrument of war-- the dive bomber. During the one major war in which dive bombing was extensively employed, it provided a novel combination of destructive power and precision, enabling its use in various roles-- interdiction,…
•The female statistically has a better success rate than the males. The terrorist organization tragically places female suicide bombers in key positions because of their emotional state. The female are stereotype as non-violent in certain cultures play a strategic pawn in the terrorist group. The female suicide bombers can be motivated by religious or political reasons against their enemy to the organization. Ultimately the role of the female suicide bomber should be closely monitored for…
A suicide bomber is a person, a man or woman, who execute bomb attacks in different areas, and they know that they will kill themselves in the process of doing so. Suicide bombers are also called homicide bombers. In the history of suicide bombing, people have been used by other people as a building block of their success and are thought and treated to be living tools (Lewis, 2013). They usually target places where there are numerous people and then blow themselves up, causing mass panic all…
From 1942 to 1945, Allied Bombers fought tirelessly in the grey skies of Germany in a campaign known as Bomber Command. Bomber Command during World War II was a very controversial topic due to its effectiveness and morality. Military historians W.A.B. Douglas and B. Greenhous argue that Bomber Command was ineffective as its air offensive failed to win the war, or notably shorten it. On the contrary, Richard Overy believes that Bomber Command was reasonably effective as the Bombers helped the…