makes learning fun for everyone. You will love the exciting narration by Voice Over Artist, Lisa Biggs, and creative music composition by MiParis Music and Right Side Music. The app uses original poetry to bring stories to life, allowing children to learn through rhyme. It includes 20 Old Testament poems, 20 New Testament poems, our bonus poem titled “Superhero,” and “The Bible Alphabet Song” by Ernie Rettino and Debby Kerner Rettino of Psalty’s Kids Co!…
discussed with her over the phone I would be coming in very soon to complete three observation hours for one of my classes. When I walked into the daycare, I noticed everything was placed neatly in its respective area. Ms. Williams’ and her staff had the daycare very clean and smelling great. I passed by three rooms before I proceeded to Ms. Harris’ classroom. Upon my arrival in Ms. Harris’ classroom, there were a three – five year old children sign on the door. When I walked into the…
writing activity, we had a terrific start. Mikel shared that his last name contains an r-controlled vowel. So, it was a joyous moment to hear that he retained the information I taught him during our last session. However, this assignment tugged on my heart in a different way. When I shared my excitement with Mikel’s reading specialist about our writing session, she shared the countless blank pages in his journal, explaining that Mikel struggles to write. A thought-provoking statement the reading…
Commonly used acronyms in Gibba Jabber are, but not limited to: w.y.a which means, as you wish, m.t.a, at the moment, m.a.a, as a matter of fact, p.t.a , answer the phone , d.t.o.o, outfit of the day and n.g, good night. Our writing system serves primarily as a texting system, whose desire is to meet the need of convenient communication in our modern-day society. Emojis are incorporated to represent individual letters of the alphabet. For example, is used to represent the letter I, is used to…
As many teachers search for new strategies and interventions to address the lack of fluency within their reading programs, Repeated Reading (RR) appears to be a topic of curiosity. RR is an evident based strategy designed to increase reading fluency and comprehension through the development of automatic word processing and contextualized linguistic effect (Winter, 2007). Similar to the text features on a cell phone, automatic word processing is the ability to detect and comprehend a word…
those literacies affected me in the same way that my third language did. At 15 years old, I became obsessed with the Japanese language. I remember picking up a self-teaching book at Chapters and devouring it chapter by chapter, and the more I knew, the more I craved to know more. However, it was never my plan to learn to write in Japanese. I found their writing system beautiful, to be sure; but not to the point of dedicating myself to learning over two thousand characters spanning over three…
“Totally like whatever, you know?” So like when I talk to kids my age, they just all like never seem to know what they are talking about anymore, you know? We have all at one time met or talked to someone that talks like my example above; it’s hard to make sense of what they are saying and they seem like they are unsure of what they are talking about. In the poem, “ Totally like whatever, you know,” author Taylor Mali says, “ In case hadn’t noticed, it has somehow become uncool to sound like…
My mother was very surprised, but instead of helping me write a letter, she told me that I need to create a foundation first. At that time, I did not what she meant by creating a foundation. But I quickly found out that creating a foundation meant that I would have to go through hours of learning how to write and read the alphabet. At first, I was very excited to learn the alphabet and finally get to write my letter. My mother brought out a book, where you had to trace the letter. As a child,…
the materials; he was asking about words and using the clipboards to pretend to write. At a certain moment he would copy the word he saw on a card. He was very involved in the center. He started to play BINGO and asked questions about letters. He matched cards and seemed to enjoy the new center. He made letters and put them in envelopes then he put them in mailboxes for other kids. He was very active with the new center. He even signed in and signed out when he arrived and when he left for the…
out at once, not fully emphasising each letter. Once Jace got past that point in the alphabet he was running out of air in his little lungs, so he went slower and took pauses in between letters. I took this as an opportunity, I asked Jace to sing them again but to slow down in the beginning and take his time on MNOP. The letters and sounds blurred together. He did awesome the second time around! We high fived and got excited. I asked follow up questions on his name to assess his phonemic…