Ehri's Stages Of Reading Fluency And Comprehension

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As many teachers search for new strategies and interventions to address the lack of fluency within their reading programs, Repeated Reading (RR) appears to be a topic of curiosity. RR is an evident based strategy designed to increase reading fluency and comprehension through the development of automatic word processing and contextualized linguistic effect (Winter, 2007). Similar to the text features on a cell phone, automatic word processing is the ability to detect and comprehend a word effortlessly as the viewer glares to the next set of letters. This skill is key in increasing fluency as the reader spends little time decoding the words before them.
As the reader continues to read, contextualized linguistics takes place as the reader begins
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This pre-alphabetic stage allows the reader to associate words by symbols with no regards for the alphabetic letters or sounds that make up the word. This stage is followed by the partial alphabetic stage at which the reader will recognize the relationship between letters and sounds and will focus on the easiest segment of the word to identify. Partial alphabetic stage becomes a gateway to letter recognition, sound blending, and pronunciation as students embrace the stage of full alphabetic recognition. As the level of recognition increases through repeated reading, students will soon enter the final stage of consolidated alphabetic recognition. This stage is developed through the use of repeated reading and recognition of patterns, as the information is stored in an instant memory …show more content…
RR follows the same concept as a basketball player practicing for the free throw shot. The more the player performs that action, he become fluent with the movement allowing him to sharpen the technique as he may add expression to his shot. The strategy of RR can be added to a number of task in order to obtain the desired results. In selecting a story to perform this intervention, it is recommended to use a passage that is 100 to 150 words long to peak the optimal range. While choosing a passage that is decodable, be sure to select within the passage, words that would appear difficult to the reader and front load them with the meaning and an example of the word to reduce the student’s anxiety prior to reading. Be sure to model the text to give the students an appropriate example of how the text should sound before the student makes their attempt. Have the student repeat the story as many times as needed until the text is error free. Be sure to encourage the student and provide feedback to enable the student to learn from their errors. Although studies have indicated that best results are seen when this strategy is performed by an adult, RR can be used in whole group, small group, or with a peer. If you are to perform this strategy with a peer leading the instructional aspect, have the non-reading student take notes and

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