My Summer Vacation Essay

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    May 9th 2016. “Peter Lik.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation, Inc. May 2nd 2016. Web. May 9th 2016. Notes It’s been a long time since I’ve written a paper Professor Campbell, 10 years or so to be exact! I hope I did ok! I was confused with the MLA citing in text stuff, not sure if it’s needed if only two sources?! Both sources had some identical information as well which would have made it difficult! My entire paper was sourced from the two works above and due to the limited amount of material on Peter Lik, much of the information about him I paraphrased and did the best to put in my own words! No plagiarism is intended! If you would like me to go back and put in text citations please let me know!…

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    My summer Vacation My summer vacation started even before school ended. Since this boy from montreal came to us called serguei. We were excited that he is coming but a week after he started getting annoying and not fun. He always wanted to go outside when I really just wanted to stay home. He ended school earlier than me because his school starts in august. The next week when I only had 1 week of school left I was happy not only because school ends but because it's my birthday. We skip to 1…

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    Wyatt King Mrs. Misselhorn 6th Hour Language Arts 29 March 2017 Should Kids Have a Summer Break? For centuries kids have had most of the summer off. That time in between school some call heaven. For people that don’t know what heaven is its twelve weeks of break from school. During that time, kids can have fun, make memories with their families, and relax from loads of homework. Without that break between kids won’t be themselves. They won’t have time to make memories with their families,…

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    Case Study Narrative: On a lazy, sunny, summer day several years ago in St. Joseph, MI, I was recently into my first summer vacation. My first year of full time teaching was complete and I was enjoying some downtime. I had worked with special needs students, students with emotional impairments and students with Autism for several years prior; mostly through community mental health organizations or subbing in local school districts, nothing full time or steady. One thing that I did know was…

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    How I Spent My Summer Vacation I hate when final exams begin, I get so stressed and nervous that sometimes I feel like I’m about to fail. My mom always reminds me of how crying and thinking about being stressed is not the answer. I realized how my mom doesn’t like watching me worrying about anything. I took everything seriously wanting to make my mom proud and also not screwing up my summer vacation. Our summer plans all started when the weather became really hot. Saudi Arabia’s weather is…

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  • Decent Essays

    Ariana A 12 month school year! Are you one of those students that is lagging or failing in school. Well, a 12-month school year will help you get your grades up. The problem is that students are lagging behind in school, just because of summer vacation slide. ……. The solution is to get your child to go to a 12 month school. They still do the same activities as a 10 month school, it's just that there is no summer break.…

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    Prompt: The need for a long summer vacation has been questioned by a group of parents. These parents would like students to attend school all year long, with several short vacation breaks at different times of during the year. This group believes that children forget too much of what they have learned over the long summer break. Other people think that students need the long summer vacation to decompress from the school year and to participate in various extracurricular activities. In your…

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    a long summer they forget most of what they learn when they come back to school. There is discussion on whether students should have a shorter summer and long breaks during the school year so students are more likely to remember what they learned. Educators believe that a shorter summer breaks will improve students abilities to remember what they learned during the school year. This is why I believe they are right. I never put too much thought into what these educators thought until today or…

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  • Improved Essays

    Summer is one of, if not the best season out there. To some, that is only because of the vacation that accompanies it. But that vacation flies by way too fast and is over before you know it. Too many children don’t get to do anything during Summer because they don’t have enough time. In my opinion, summer should be longer than it already is. I think a lot of children would agree with me. Here are a few reasons why I believe it should be longer. First off, Summer flies by way too fast. 99% of…

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    One thing I will miss about summer is having the freedom to do want I want and when I want to do it. I think that summer just lowers my stress and makes me feel better and more active. I love sleeping in and not having to wake up to an alarm clock. Being tired and not in a good mood. I also like when I could stay up late in summer and watching movies and stuff. For example, I stayed up til 5 in the morning with my friends at a sleepover. I think that summer just gives you freedom and you can go…

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