Argumentative Essay Rough Draft Physical Education can help students in school in certain ways. Physical education can help build up students confidence by when they do something good in physical education then they think that they can do good in the next class. Physical education can help students with being more healthy by exercising more in class. Physical Education can help students in other classes by working there mind more so they will get more focused. Physical Education should be mandatory for all students because it can help students in other classes, makes them healthy, and increases their confidence. Physical Education can help students in other classes. Physical education will help students in other school classes because it gets the students brain more focused. Research states that reading and math are the two subjects that are most influenced by physical education because these subjects focus on efficient and effective function, which has been associated to physical activity.…
really the future as Whitney Houston sang in her 1986 hit, The Greatest Love of All? This should be pretty easy to answer as Whitney hit the nail right on the head. Children are indeed our future. Children are not just our future because they’ll basically inherit the world from us, but also because they’ll be laying the framework for the generations after them to come. “As adults, we realize that the real future lies in the hands of our children and grandchildren. Our first priority should be…
For many high school students, myself included, college is simply the next stone to overturn, the next building block that will help us achieve our ambitious goals and secure future employment. Through college, students attend classes revolving around their major of study, and earn a diploma for the completion of these courses. It is the student’s job however, to take what is offered to them in class, and use it to help build their writing, speaking, and thinking abilities all while also…
getting an education is more crucial now than it ever has been in the past. At least 25% of employees in job markets in many areas of the United States have graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree. In some states that percentage increases to 35% or higher (Dill, Forbes). Knowing that job markets are extremely competitive combined with the truth spoken in the Family: A Proclamation to the World, that fathers and mothers are expected to be “responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection…
jobs are harder to get. Can you get ahead without college education? Higher education is overpriced, so is the debt really worth it? I believe it really is. Through higher education we are becoming being a better version of ourselves, which is priority to having the life we all hope for. Guess it all stems to the resources and background we come from. The future job market can be risky. All over the years college students confirm their education was worth it. Everyone knows working towards a…
on the same subject matter. Many pathway programs have direct admissions avenues to four-year school to continue educational requirement for students who want to advance their education and career opportunities. The Pathway Initiative Programs give students work experience and the ground up concept of businesses and trades. These programs teach students job skills that are needed by industry today and in the future while hopefully developing life long learning traits. Colleges and business…
day. Art can help build better character, students test score will rise above their normal rate, and art can allow students’ imagination and creativity to expand to new horizons. Adding more art to public schools can bring many advantages. For example, students and teachers behavior and action can improve, and they can build a better character. The article, “Make Art, Transform Lives: The Importance of Art Education,” gives support towards having art, and constructing people a better character.…
Columbia Heights Education Campus, Washington, D.C.. The reason for that was that the First Lady Michelle Obama held a speech for them. The speech’s theme was education and how important education is for the United States of America. The person who held the speech was Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama is the First Lady of the United states of America. She has a very good education as showed here “But through it all, I kept that college diploma as my North Star. And four years later, I reached…
Each year nearly 100,000 refugees, as well as nearly 1 million migrants, come to the United States, escaping hardship all in search of a better life (Zong & Batalova). We often get the words migrant and refugee confused, there are very important distinctions. Migrants make the decision, to leave their homes in search of better jobs and education. Whereas refugees are people fleeing because of conflict or persecution of race, religion, nationality, or political opinion (Refugee 101). Nevertheless…
LA Argument Draft In a county in Florida schools were struggling to keep students grades up along with their rank in education. The schools tried a few things first to try and raise the students’ scores. After a while they added technology into the classrooms. Since then the schools have recognized higher focus, communication in classroom projects and activities along with annual test scores. Now five years after technology ninety eight percent of the schools are ranked as A or B in education.…