Should Physical Education Be Compulsory In School

Decent Essays
Argumentative Essay Rough Draft
Physical Education can help students in school in certain ways. Physical education can help build up students confidence by when they do something good in physical education then they think that they can do good in the next class. Physical education can help students with being more healthy by exercising more in class. Physical Education can help students in other classes by working there mind more so they will get more focused. Physical Education should be mandatory for all students because it can help students in other classes, makes them healthy, and increases their confidence.
Physical Education can help students in other classes. Physical education will help students in other school classes because it gets the students brain more focused. Research states that reading and math are the two subjects that are most influenced by physical education because these subjects focus on efficient and effective function, which has been associated to physical activity.
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Physical activity has many positive effects on self image and and self-confidence, since it gives students a general feeling of being healthy. Teacher and students think that if they exercise more than the students would feel more confidence in themselves. Physical activity develops brain cells and produces endorphins, which can make students happy and calm, and reduce stress and pain. Teachers and students think that if they exercise more than they would not be in a lot of pain later in life. A good physical workout can make students feel better about life and themselves. Teachers and students think that if the students would exercise then the students can have more confidence than usual. So, Physical Education can help students build up their confidence because the students can get something right in Physical Education and go to the next classes and be confident and get good grade on a test because they were

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