The Importance Of Physical Education Classs On A Students GPA

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Should physical education classes impact a students GPA? Many people want to know if physical education should count toward a students GPA. Many people think it would be beneficial. Certain people think physical education should be eliminated completely. Some People think physical education classes could change students lives. Since physical education classes only require a students participation, it helps the student body stay fit and healthy, and it is not a very difficult class to get a good grade in, physical education classes should count toward a students GPA. The first reason why physical education classes should count toward a student GPA is physical education only require a student 's participation, so all a student needs to do is try. The only thing a student needs to show in a physical education class is their effort, so …show more content…
Keeping the student body healthy is very important, and physical education classes can help with that. Physical education classes help students get the physical activity they need for each day. Physical education classes can help keep students from getting antsy well they are in other classes. If a student is doing well in a physical education class along with becoming for fit they will also help raise their own GPA. These classes help students get up and out from sitting in a chair all day. Every student needs to have some sort of physical activity in a day. "The extra forty-five minutes of exercise every other day will benefit students physically especially those who do not compete in a sport" (Stein). Students are supposed to get at least an hour of exercise every day and physical education classes can help every student get that hour. Physical education classes help with both a students body and could potentially help with their

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