A Wing and a Prayer Small northern communities are tight knit. It’s not that everybody knows everybody else’s business, but everybody is conscious who has not come back from the trap line come dark, whose boats are out on the lake on a windy day, and what flying conditions are like as they listen for that unmistakable drone of a returning Otter or Beaver. Often people will gather and go out to wistfully search the horizon for comforting signs of their loved ones. Such was the case one heavily overcast evening. The Otter was late…
Joyce Tillman, my mom, usually starts her mornings off by going to her knees and engaging in an elongated prayer. It’s something she does before anything else in the morning, to her it’s the start to her day, almost like a car needing the key to start the engine, the car can’t mover or function without the key, as my mom can’t function without her daily morning prayer. She believes that praying and putting things to come in the lords hands helps her to deal with what’s to come in her day at…
a child. The importance of being a mother is practically unending; it is maybe the hardest, most rewarding occupation a woman will ever encounter. Mothers have many roles to help them perform all the tasks required in the development of their children, as well as providing their children with unconditional love, and making sacrifices for her children every step of the way. One of the first things to come to mind when taking into consideration what being a mother means , are the roles or…
At this moment, two elder people come to me, and I realize they are my grandparents. They tell me that they have spent many years to find me, but weren’t successful. Finally, after hear the news of polices bat down a kid, they take the clue and find me. All memory of my soul adventures deeply write down in my brain. The tears are running down in my face, I am not homeless, I have my own unique parents, and the only regret is that they have died for protecting me. I shouldn’t complain about how…
Francisco. Good news! Summer school is cancelled for the day! Francisco’s Soccer Rule #xx: Things that Don’t Go Together Fill in the Blank Test: Q: Face is to soccer ball as summer is to ___. (A: school) I am excited to come home early from summer school, but when I arrive at the Shaw house, Tommy isn’t there. I look everywhere for him. In the trees. In the attic. In Mrs. Quindley’s house next door, which surprises her very many because I didn’t “knock” or “ring the bell” and “just busted…
Though within the form there is a wide array of subgenres and modes of address, the emphasis on addressing “the nation” first and others second remains a rhetorical dominant and represents an affirmation of cultural self-sufficiency” (Fulani, 2005). Bafaloukos creates many scenes in his film where the audience sees people within the ghetto coming together for a common cause, mostly to share in the good pleasure of their music; music that seems to resonate their oppression. While in the Harder…
more upper class. The story is set in three key places, in a garden, a railway crossing, and an iron works, which all have their individual gothic elements. The garden is portrayed as a dark, still place, with an atmospheric sky looming overhead, the railway crossing is where Raut experiences a near death incident, but oddly enough Horrocks saves him, then the final setting, the iron works, perhaps the most gothic of all. ‘As they came out of the labyrinth of clinker heaps and mounds…
more-and-more confident that nobody was going to screw with me, or maybe it was just a positive aspect of my new-found dementia that I’d questioned myself slipping into. Maybe I wasn’t actually in school at all but was sitting in the park completely naked and feeding Alka-Seltzer and laxatives to pigeons. Fifth period eventually rolled around and I was off to lunch. When I had sat down at my table I saw that the squirrels were back. They were whipping around the maples chasing each other in…
didn’t think about what they had been taught. Throughout our lives, we will be in many different relationships, and it is so important to treat those relationships the way God wants us to. The relationship we have with our parents is a very important one. “Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.” (Exodus 20:12) In Matthew, Jesus tells us to love Him above everything else, but secondly we are supposed to love our neighbor. Our…
dead!” By making this request he had had publicly humiliated his father, in which the father could have disowned him, and disobeyed the fifth commandment to honor thy father and mother (Stevens, YEAR). The culture norm was for sons to remain with their fathers in order to provide for the family and take care of the land. The youngest decides that he wanted his rightful portion, one-third, prior to his father’s death and before his eldest brother’s portion was disbursed. He then finds himself…