The Good news of Matthew is an onlooker story composed for a group of people of devotees, under awesome pressure, and abuse. Matthew builds up a philosophical plot joining family history, addresses, anecdotes, bury and intratextual references, basic vocabulary, and satisfaction citations, with a strain that works as we are welcomed into the story. The torturous killing and revival convey us to a Christological peak that emblematically indicates past its decision God's Kingdom, bringing expiation, salvation and the introducing the Eschaton. The unprecedented occasions encompassing the torturous killing go about as editorial, including critical insights concerning the demise of Jesus.1 The creator's goal is Christological. Jesus is the Child…
Simply Good News: A Response In his book, Simply Good News, N.T. Wright sets out to explain the Gospel–or the “good news”–of Jesus. However, he does so in a way that Jesus and the first century believers would have done, instead of using a modern (and dethatched) context. In so doing, Wright demonstrates the duplicity of the modern view, which renders good news into mere good advice. This is Wright’s main point; the Gospel is not mere advice, instead it is good news that should spark in us a…
A common recurring theme in literature, cinematography and even in life is the theme of good versus evil. Not only is it recurring, but it is the main focus of the legendary cinematic masterpiece Star Wars: A New Hope. Not only is it intricately weaved into its dramatic plotline, it is also displayed in a fine visual aesthetic. The first display of the idea of Good vs Evil is displayed through the characters. The protagonists Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia are visually displayed as good…
The theory here is that Good News World is a program of higher quality compared to Being Lara Bingle. While reality television can be quality; rather than producing an idea, it takes a pre-existing idea and runs with it, and will only stay relevant as long as its content does. The primary role of television is being a unit of entertainment; the goal of educating and bringing awareness to current issues remains secondary under all circumstances. Television works through a combination of audio…
“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven” (King James Version, Matt. 6:10). These words in small part epitomize the meaning of “good news” by N.T. Wright in his “Simply Good News”. Jesus Christ, the Son of God in full divinity and humanity, came to Earth as God incarnate and proved His authority as a part of the Trinity by dying and resurrecting three days later. Wright thus argues that Jesus’s coronation in addition to His teachings are more than merely advice; they are…
Social Experiment: Good or Bad News First? Anthropology is the study of humankind and it is important to understand. As we studied anthropology in geography class over this year, doing a social experiment is extremely beneficial for us because we can learn more about anthropology through our own experiences. The four main parts that anthropologists study are cultural, biological, linguistic and archaeology. My experiment is one of cultural anthropology. My question is: If someone tells you…
As a concerned citizen of Milford, NY, the proposition of allowing our local religious group, the Good News Club, to host their meetings at our public elementary school has been the talk of the town recently, and has drawn many opinions from both sides of the argument. However, it is of my opinion that the Supreme Court is wrong in their decision to allow the Good News Club to meet in its local elementary school. Rather than basing their final jurisdiction on the Establishment Clause, they opted…
Nothing seems particularly exasperating or controversial about Good News Bible at face-value. It is a rather popular translation millions of copies have been sold. According to Wikipedia it has “been endorsed by Billy Graham and Christian groups such as the Catholic Church (Today's English Version, Second Edition), the Southern Baptist Convention, and the Presbyterian Church (USA).”1 This is not surprising as most, if not all, of the book's elements are well-incorporated with the intent of…
SUGRUE, JESSICA. "Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: The Good News and the Bad." Business NH Magazine, vol. 35, no. 1, Jan. 2018, p. 49. EBSCOhost,,ip,url,custuid&custid=magn0117&db=bwh&AN=127270427&site=eds-live. Sexual harassment is an infringement of women's rights and an outlaw form of violence against women in many states (Sugrue 49+). Sexual abuse causes destructive physical, and psychological injuries to a huge amount of women…
going, and so do I” said Beowulf. In the book Beowulf, A New Telling, it tells about a battle between good and evil. Beowulf is a fighter, but is kind, and he uses his weaknesses with power to fight evil and protect his people from danger. Beowulf has had bad eyesight from being stung by bees in the face when he was a kid. He was named Beowulf because the name Beowulf means bee hunter. King Hrothgar builds a hall called Hall Heriot. A nasty, bloody, stinky, evil monster called Grendel soon…