Imagine a world without medicine. Imagine the population of the world drop abnormally. The world will suffer without the use of medicines or antibiotics. But how are medicines created? The creation of medicines involves complex chemical reactions. But what makes a medicine safe to humans? A simple answer to this question would be animal testing. Testing a medicine on an animal to identify its symptoms or side-effects would be an effective solution. Some animals and human’s DNA are extremely identical. For example, a chimpanzee shares almost 98% of the human’s DNA and mice share 92%. (Koshland, D.E) This is a huge advantage while testing medicine because the effects that arise on animals would most likely appear in humans. Different types of medicines have been created and successfully distributed among people to help them cure or stabilize a disease. That would not be possible without the use of animal testing. Yet, there is a heated debate on whether animal testing should be banned or not.…
Poliovirus was one of the most deadly viruses in the world. 25 years ago, polio was a disease in 125 countries and paralyzed and killed up to 350,000 people. The body system that is affected most by polio is the central nervous system. The virus Poliovirus Poliovirus enters your body through the mouth, and then eventually makes its way into the blood and central nervous system, where it will affect nerve tissue where it causes paralysis and wasting of muscle tissue. The virus can be prevented…
that is caused by a virus. Poliomyelitis is caused by a human enterovirus of the Picornaviridae family and caused by poliovirus. The polio virus can be transmitted from one person to another through oral contact with secretions or through fecal contact from an infected person. Polio can cause paralysis, difficulty in breathing and even death. Polio sometimes affects children most often. In spite of so many polio eradication campaign, polio virus still affects children and even adults in some…
cells have greatly contributed to science, but more specifically, the vaccine for polio. Polio is an infectious disease caused by a virus that claimed thousands of lives worldwide. In February 1952, Jonas Salk claimed he had developed a vaccine for the poliovirus, but he needed large quantities of cultured cells to test the vaccine before selling it for public use.…
Poliomyelitis Poliomyelitis (polio) is a highly contagious disease caused by a poliovirus. There are three types, or serotypes, of poliovirus: P1, P2, and P3. All three types can cause infection and are considered paralytogenic. Before the development of the polio vaccine, the disease had worldwide occurrence. Humans, particularly children are the identified reservoir for the virus and can be transmitted through direct and indirect contact with respiratory discharges and feces. However, the…
crippling, and potentially, deadly disease that spreads from person to person. This disease is very contagious, and only infects humans. The virus consists of a RNA genome enclosed in a protein shell called a capsid. There are three serotypes of wild poliovirus have slightly different capsid proteins. In 1789, British physician, Michael Underwood, provided the first clinical description of the poliovirus. He provided a stat, that stated 72 out of 100 people will have no physical symptoms, and…
scientists put the spinal cord fluid of a person who had died of polio through a filter designed to catch bacteria. They injected the filtered fluid into monkeys. When the monkeys developed polio, the scientists deduced that polio must be caused by a particle smaller than bacteria. The poliovirus itself was not visible to scientists until the 1950s. In 1931, it was discovered that there was more than one type of poliovirus. Australian researchers Frank Burnet and Jean Macnamara infected monkeys…
Polio: An American Story is about the journey of the poliovirus and how they came to find the cure. The thesis is stated clearly in the introduction of this book. Oshinsky talks about how the feud between Salk and Sabin was continuous, and that the debate is still ongoing on weather Salk or Sabin made the better vaccine for this virus. He then ends with saying “What is certain, however, is that the polio crusade that consumed them remains one of the most significant and culturally revealing…
It is a member of the Picornaviridae family and is said to be a simple virus. It has a protein capsid that encircles the virus. The genome is a single stranded positive-sense RNA and relatively short being less than 8000 nucleotides long. It is a non-enveloped icosahedral protein coat. Poliovirus does nnot naturally affect any other species other than the human species. Mammals with the CD155 protein can be infected with the virus and the only mammals that have CD155 are humans, higher primates,…
usually flu like symptoms. There are three types of polio, sub-clinical, paralytic, and nonparalytic. Young children, pregnant women, and people with low immunity are more susceptible to this disease. This disease spreads from person to person through contact with feces. Poliovirus can only infect humans and it is contagious. First, the virus enters a person’s body through their mouth. Then, the virus stays in their throat and reproduces. The virus…