Political Parties What is a political party? It is a crew that is form to elect and hold strength in the government. How many political parties can we name? Most of the citizens of America can name the two major popular parties such as, Republicans and Democratic. Beside the two major parties there are several more parties that hold a great large amount power. We have Libertarians and Green parties that also have a group of forceful individuals that satisfy the citizens’ desires that must be met. Each party mentioned has multiple goals listed for achievement but some goals can be an effect of positive or negative aspects. When reading about all the different parties and the functions each political party uses to overcome every obstacle planted…
While individuals from in each political party hold polarizing opinions, the most polarizing individuals in each party would be party activists. What is a party activist? In a Political Behavior article, Edward Carmine and James Woods write, “political activists are a heterogenous group and include delegates to the nominating conventions, those citizens heavily involved in campaign activities, major financial contributors to political parties,” (364). Activism is action taken for a cause that…
Political parties are not useful to have at a local government level. Local government exist to provide services and protect property, they are not designed to decide major social policies. If Nanaimo were to be given the task of deciding if our central bank were to go back to using the gold standard to attempt to reduce inflation for the betterment of the poor or other decisions along those lines then it would be useful to elect a party has defined political leanings. Since no city would, and…
The golden age of parliamentary democracy in the United Kingdom, pre modern party system, is where large bombastic speeches could change the entirety of the direction of a nation. The composition of Parliament, specifically the House of Commons, in Canada has never been through the golden age of parliamentary government, where no member had a distinct party affiliation. Basic analysis of the underlying political framework leads to indisputable electoral bias towards political parties. This…
Political parties are common view of shady backroom dealing. Political party gains control of government through elections, and it is important because it links others, including citizens, businesses, issues, etc. According to the slideshows, political party is defined as the broad based coalition of interests whose parity purpose is to win elections. Functions of political parties are nominate and elect officials to public office, simplify issues to help citizens make better decisions, motivate…
with a political party, hindering national unity. George Washington reasoned that: “However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends… unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government.” Here, Washington foresees the political dissention that will ensue nearly a century later, and the men who will subsequently abuse their attained power. The Antebellum period encompasses the years between the War of 1812 and…
The ideas and implications of political parties in today’s society have been greatly debated, some saying that they have gradually declined with time, and others arguing that their presence has greatly strengthened throughout the years. In observing the first congressional district of Colorado, it has been evident that political parties are becoming stronger as time goes on. Through the examination of demographics, the effect of partisanship, and political manipulation, it is evident that with…
The current Federal election is taking place on October 19th; the six political parties involved will be vying for seats in the House of Commons deciding which parties will form the government for five years to come. This is important to discuss as a federal election can and will affect anyone and everyone. The six political parties, in order of popularity are: Liberal, Conservative, NDP, Bloc Quebecois, Green, and finally Libertarian. The main battle is between the three major parties with…
An Open Letter to the Federal Party Leaders of Canada: Stephen Harper, Justin Trudeau, and Tom Mulcair Canada’s relationship with other countries of the world has changed drastically over the past few years on a variety of fronts. However, this election, I am looking at the plans for addressing issues at the municipal issues, as I believe that in order to rebuild strong relationships with the rest of the world, Canada must first look within itself and rectify the problems that are evident here.…
Political party polarization is a topic of great interest to political scientists. There is a myriad of research on the subject that explores both its generalities and specifics, from explanations of how a party system can become polarized to attempts to quantify levels of polarization in particular nations. In his article “The Quality and the Quantity of Party Systems,” Russell J. Dalton defines the phenomenon as reflecting “the degree of ideological differentiation among political parties in a…