The Polish culture is a unique blend of Latin and Byzantine cultures and was further engendered by the numerous European occupations, throughout its history. Polish people are friendly and like to show affection while interact with others. “The word "czesc" is Polish for "hi", however, even an English "hello" is guaranteed to start an avalanche of greetings with faces beaming, all around. The first few minutes of any meeting are spent in greeting each other and shaking hands. Familiarity is expressed with embraces and pecks on the cheek. Katsanos 5 The Poles speak a Slavic language and have a special love for English. In fact, English is the most popular foreign language in Poland. The prefix Pan (Mr.) or Pani (Ms.) is the safest way to address…
occupation, duration of illness, and marital statues of each individual was recorded and analyzed. Every individual in the data set died in the months of October or November in the year 1907. The average age of death for the total population in the data set was 34.8 years of age. The average age of death for men and women of the total population in the data set was 39.3 for men and 33.9 for women. The data was broken down to look at each specific ethnicity. When looking at each ethnicity it…
Dzień dobry! – hello! Polish culture is very unique, and interesting. The people picked of some of their culture from Germany, while the Germans occupied the country, but ultimately adpated it, and make it their own. The popluation of 38 million people has found a way in the maritime climate of the west and continental climate of the east, to develop a culture that is their own. Their practices include being avid sports fans, folk music, and their special holidays, including independence day,…
Before the fourth grade, the thought of practicing my nonexistent Polish when my grandmother called our landline caused me to dash out the room. I was raised in America, and partaking in my Polish culture was simply a way to ease my parent’s nostalgia for their “Polska.” After moving there for a year, I learned new traditions and developed intimate connections with my family. I finally considered myself a Polish-American. Since returning to New York, I have designated my Sunday afternoons to…
In Poland where her main language was Polish, Hoffman’s identity was firmly rooted in Polish culture. However, when she emigrates and is forced to speak English, she writes multiple times about how the new language is shattering her once solid identity. She describes the journey from Cracow to Canada to “scissors cutting a three- thousand-mile rip through [her] life.” (100) and says with sorrow, “From now on, my life will be divided into two parts” (100). Her original solid identity in her…
Polish Immigration to America The American Dream is the belief that all citizens of the United States have equality, freedom, and justice. America has always been a land of immigrants who have been drawn here looking for freedom and economic opportunity. Learning about other cultures gives us a better understanding of the world, without the ethnic groups that immigrated here, we would not be able to experience new cultures in our everyday lives. One of the many groups following The…
and Rosa were best friends, they were happy before the war stared. They had their own secret language that they would communicate in. They met once they were about 14, Erna met her at her moms’ sewing workshop, Rosa learned the trade of sewing really fast. Erna said that they were sitting talking before the war had erupted. They would only see people walking around that they have not seen.The Russians arrived to Czernowitz 1940; Erna said that the disaster started when the Romanians put up…
The country of Poland has undergone a multitude of change since the end of WWII, to understand this you must first understand the Polish culture before the war and then compare to everyday life now. The word culture is interpreted as a set of values, these values are goals, achievements, practices, social practices, religious practices, and in general a way of life. The Polish exhibited a high degree of social division before 1939. Six different classes or groups take part of the Polish…
immigrants from Poland, I can define myself as Caucasian and 100% Polish America with roots that stem back to Rzeszow and Wiesbieza, Poland. In an era of multicultural inspiration and education, interpersonal treatment of my own race and ethnicity can be my roots, I can easily identify myself with other Polish Americans through analyzing the representation, treatment, and social aspects exposed in my academic environment at Springfield College. Race can be described as “a person’s physical…
fascinated by nail art who wants to start doing their own instead of visiting the nail salon will need some supplies. Nail art is a terrific way to express your creativity and unique personality. Nail Buffer Before you start to decorate your nails, you'll need to prepare them for the process. With a sanding block or nail buffer, you will be able to smooth and shape your nails before adding any polish or design. The 10PC Nail Art Care Buffer Buffing Sanding Block has four sides with a different…