Lunch. The time in school where students converge on grey tables and metal chairs to chomp down on your microwave noodles with a cold sweet tea and a bag of doritos. Lunch is an important time in the school day. In fact, if you asked me, lunch is my favorite time of the day besides dismissal. It is at the lunch table where life’s biggest questions are asked, and we attempt to answer them. Why are we constantly at war? Is there life beyond Earth? When is the second coming of Christ? Why does Bryan Potter play a Munchkin in The Wizard of Oz if he’s 6’4”. All very important questions. One day at lunch, I proposed a riddle to my lunch table. I had seen this riddle on YouTube a couple of weeks prior. The riddle goes as follows: if…
7/10 of teenagers do not feel satisfied, nurtured, and well fed after eating Vanden High School's school lunch? Well, I’m sorry to break it to you, but it’s true. VHS school lunch needs a boost in portioning. Every day I find myself struggling to focus and concentrate due to the lack of sufficient amounts of food. I am positive that numerous other students have the same opinions on the matter. One school day I was feeling particularly hungry, so I made off to lunch and got what they were…
We all know that school provided lunches aren’t very good, so why not leave school for lunch? Students are always complaining about how bland as well as small school lunches are, so the best option to fix these complaints is to have an open lunch. Food isn’t just a basic component of survival, it’s also one of the many things that makes life enjoyable; but school lunches are neither nutritious or pleasing to eat. Open lunch should be allowed in Augusta High School because there are many benefits…
time. Most of the school lunch food does not satisfy the grumbling stomach of a hungry high schooler. Many students choose to not even eat the school lunch. Also, school lunch does not hold you for the rest of the day. It barely holds for the next period after. Everyone knows it is hard to stay focused on an empty stomach. After being in class for hours, sitting in a drab cafeteria dawdles the day. If students were allowed to leave the school for lunch, then they could eat what they like, enjoy…
depending on their preference, which is a reason as to why it generally takes an average of 10 minutes for a student to attain their lunch tray. Within the problems caused by the lack of food variety is the length of the lunch lines and the time it takes for a student to obtain a plate. Not only do students have to wait in long-lasting lines, not all are assured that they will get lunch, seeing as food runs out several times a week. Although the school has been attempting the method of taste…
The word lunch is an abbreviation of the more formal word “lunchentach,” which was from the 1580’s. Over 100,000 schools and institutions serve school lunches to 30.4 million students each day. Many students bring their own lunches because of the long waiting lines for school lunches and also to save money. Not to mention that a home lunch is healthier and more nutritional than an average school lunch. Though there are disadvantages of packing a home lunch, like packing it every day or if the…
Maryland School for the Deaf (MSD) should start rewarding its high school honors students with an open campus lunch. Open campus lunch can be defined as a school policy that allows its high school students to go off the campus during their lunch period. Open campus lunch policy can be set only by the school themselves. With this policy, high school students are encouraged to perform well in the school to obtain the privilege of going off campus to grab a satisfying lunch instead of subpar…
how long I believe we should have lunch. In our school handbook our allotted time for lunch is a half an hour. My reasoning for choosing this is simply because students do not have enough time to eat. What is the rule I am proposing to change? Lunch time is the main thing that I think should be extended out so the students have time to eat. Currently our lunch period is from 11:50 till 12:20 so that’s only a half an hour! So what happens to the students who want to eat out or go off campus?…
is supposed to be giving us the healthy food but really it’s just causing students to skip lunch and starve until they get home. School doesn’t provide the healthiest food because they give small portions, we don’t know what we are eating and it’s not actually healthy. Lunch is an important meal of the day and it is eaten at school. High school students get the same amount of food that kindergarten gets. High school students need more than four small pieces of chicken to satisfy the hunger.…
Sarah Wu’s book, Fed up with Lunch, discusses the horrendous problem outcomes found inside of a lunch system in a large Elementary School in Chicago that may include the true time that is given to eat the lunch, the unexpected nutrition found inside of every dish given, as well as the truth of keeping all the nutritional facts away from the public. Looking at the statuses of each school around the nation, it can clearly be stated that each school is different, however looking towards the fact…