In the respiratory system the lungs are the primary organs. The diaphragm is a muscle that helps the lungs take in oxygen and take out carbon dioxide as we breathe. When air enters our body it goes down the trachea which then branch off into tubes that carry the air inside the lungs. While the air is in the lungs it inflates air sacs called alveoli. When the oxygen passes the walls of the alveoli it goes into the blood vessels which carries the oxygen through out the body to use as needed. While most people think the lungs are the same size they are actually not the same size at all. The right side is a bit more bigger then the left. This is because the left side shares space with the heart. The lungs are also made up of lobes. There are…
Cancer is the uncontrolled growth and division of certain cells of the body, which aggregate to form a clot of cells called a tumor. These tumors create hindrance in the proper functioning of the organ in which they originated. Cancers are leading causes of deaths now a days, because of the few treatment options available. Lung cancer is obviously the tumor in the lungs- the respiratory organs of the body. Cancer is a disease that can spread to other organs and interfere with the functioning of…
Lung cancer claims more lives in the United States than any other type of cancer. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death and second most diagnosed cancer in men and women in the United States (CDC, 2014). Cigarette smoking is considered the number one cause of lung cancer (CDC, 2014). The rise and fall of cigarette smoking in the United States has greatly impacted the direction we see lung cancer rates moving in. Lung…
I will discuss two Non Small lung cancer (NSCLC)cases and the evidences used to decide the patients’ management. Case 1: A 60-year-old man with history of breathlessness and cough. Lung function revealed FEV1 1.60, TLCO (60% predicted) and patient’s performance status was 1. Subsequently, he had staging CT scan/PET scan/EBUS and all the investigations revealed the final diagnosis stage IIIA T3N2(sub carinal lymph nodes metastasis) M0 Non small cell lung cancer squamous (NSCLC). The patient’s…
Introduction: When we talk about lung cancer we automatically think of smoking, and not the history behind it. Normal lung tissue are made up of cells that are arranged by genes to create lung tissue in a certain shape to perform certain tasks. Lung cancer forms by out of control growth of abnormal cells in the lung. Lung cancer transpire when the genetic material responsible for production of lung cells are damaged. There are two main types of lung cancers; small cell and non-small cell lung…
Introduction This essay is about what lung cancer is, the problems and how science can solve this problem. Lung cancer is a disease that is uncontrolled by abnormal cells that start of either in one lung or the other. Lung Cancer is caused by cigar smoking, about a 100,000 people die each year due to smoking cigar. Lung cancer is one of the most frequent types of cancer that you can get. Before Lung cancer was very rare to get, now because of smoking 9/10 people die due to smoking…
LUNG CANCER AND ITS CAUSES INTRODUCTION Lungs are respiratory organs that are located within the chest, one is the left side and the other one the right side. They help in removing the carbon dioxide and bring in oxygen into the blood. Lung cancer is also known as bronchogenic carcinomas. Lung cancer has been rated as the number one killer worldwide. It is a deadliest disease because it spreads before being detected. It affects all genders. It is essential to understand some of the things that…
decline for men during the 1960’s, but remained a common purchase for females until the 1980’s (Canadian Cancer, 2011, p. 37). In Canada today, the estimated morbidity rate of lung cancer is one in every 11 men, and one in every 15 women; with a mortality rate of one in every 13 men and, one in every 17 women. These statistics prove that the leading cancerous death for both men and women is lung cancer (Canadian Cancer, 2011, p. 57). Acute and Chronic Complications Associated with the…
Lung Cancer Lung cancer is a malignant neoplasm of the lung tissue characterized by an uncontrolled cell proliferation. It is also referred to as carcinoma of the lung. This neoplasm arises from epithelia of the lungs, bronchi and trachea. Lung cancers can be of epithelial cell origin (carcinoma) or mesothelial cell origin (malignant mesothelioma). Lung cancer begins with inactivation of tumor suppressor genes or with activation of oncogenes. Carcinogens bring about mutation in the genes that…
Lung cancer is a type of cancer that forms cancerous cells in the lining of the lungs. It can happen in both lungs or just in one. It forms cancerous tumors that starts in the lining of bronchi, but it can also begin in different areas of the respiratory system, such as the trachea, bronchioles, and alveoli. Lung cancer occurs when a tumor grows inside the lungs in the bronchi (it’s a small tube that connects the windpipe to the inner surfaces of the lungs where basically gas transfer takes…