The antebellum period saw several reform movements take place. There were movements for temperance, public school reform, abolition of slavery, women’s rights and dealing with poverty, crime and the mentally ill. The various reform movements that took place during this time achieved varying levels of success. The temperance movement initially began with a goal to reduce the alcohol consumption of Americans. This changed when Lyman Beecher condemned any use of alcohol at all. Evangelical Protestants created the American Temperance Society. The goal of this group was to use moral suasion to persuade people to take a pledge that they would abstain from any use of alcohol. The temperance movement began to focus on the laboring class and…
Harriet Beecher Stowe was an author a civil rights activist and she was best known for her popular anti-slavery novel called “uncle sam’s cabin”. Harriet Elizabeth Beecher was born on June 14, 1811, in Litchfield, Connecticut. She was 7th out of 13 children born to religious leader Lyman Beecher and his wife, Roxanna Foote Beecher.Her mother died when Harriet was a child. Harriet’s seven brothers grew up to be ministers, including the famous leader Henry Ward Beecher. Her sister Catharine…
Harriet Beecher Stowe was an American abolitionist and author. She was born in June 14, 1811 to a very religious family. Harriet Beecher was one of 13 children born to religious leader Lyman Beecher and his wife, Roxanna Foote Beecher, who died when Harriet was a child.Her father Lyman Beecher was a preacher who preached about many important topics at the time. Harriet’s father began to preach forcefully against slavery which helped shaped Harriet´s perspective on slavery. She was very against…
Harriet Beecher Stowe was an American abolitionist and author during the 1800’s. Most of Stowe’s siblings had become ministers, helped found national associations, and had done other great things that contributed to the well being of others. Stowe however believed that her best valuable purpose in life was to be an author. This proved to be true , when she released her world famous book titled Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The book gave thousands of families a new perspective on slavery and its’ cruelty…
Harriet Elisabeth Beecher was born in Litchfield, Connecticut, on June 14, 1811. Born to Lyman Beecher and Roxana Foote. She published her very first novel Primary Geography for Children in 1833. The textbook addressed slavery and abolition from a geopolitical context yet was not well received. Uncle Tom’s Cabin subsequently was published in 1852 and was better received and understood. Her main idea is the argument against the nation of slavery. She uses many examples of family throughout her…
Harriet Tubman is best known for her work on the Underground Railroad, though it is debatable if this was her greatest achievement. Harriet Tubman was also a Union spy, a Civil War nurse, and a caretaker in her lifetime. Harriet Tubman (known then as Araminta “Minty” Ross) was born a slave in 1822. In 1808 Congress made it illegal to import slaves, so the Eastern Shore in Maryland, where Harriet lived, was put under great pressure to provide the laborers for the farther South. Families were…
Harriet Beecher Stowe was an American abolitionist and the author of Uncle Toms Cabin, a book that disputes one of the most controversial issues of all time— slavery. Born into a family of theologians and preachers, Stowe grew up in Connecticut, and she had very little contact or knowledge on the reality of slavery in the South. Stowe was soon exposed to the severity in a city near Kentucky, which is where she began to see firsthand how poorly slaves were treated; and the more that was exposed…
Araminta “Minty” Harriet Ross, or better known as Harriet Tubman, was one of the leading abolitionists prior the American Civil War. They exact year of Harriet’s birth is unknown due to poor record keeping during that time, but it is believed that she was born in Dorchester County, Maryland between 1820 and 1825 (The Harriet Tubman Biography,, 2015) . Harriet was born unto enslaved parents along with her 9 siblings. Her childhood was a tough one; full of violent lashings,…
Katherine Anne Porter, born Callie Russell Porter, was the fourth child of Harrison Boone Porter and Mary Alice Jones Porter. Katherine Anna Porter moved with her father and siblings to Kyle, Texas after the loss of her mother. Her family had gone to live with Harris' mother, Catharine Ann Skaggs Porter--a strong-willed woman who had told her grandchildren romantic stories about her slaveholding family's life in Antebellum, Kentucky. "Porter absorbed her grandmother's independence, Victorian…
Biographical Information Harriet was born in 1820 or 1821 in Dorchester County, Maryland ( exact date not known as there are no written records). She was born on a plantation to slaves Ben and Harriet Ross. Her birthname was Araminta Ross and her nickname was “Minty”. She was the sixth of eleven children. Harriet and her family lived a hard life in a small cabin and worked on a gigantic plantation. Harriet had to go through a lot of suffering and ill treatment by the owners. As a child,…