Based on the two articles by Marzano that were assigned to read and this week’s content on adaptations for ELLs, in a word-processed document, write a summary of the significant elements of Practice, Homework and Identifying Similarities and Differences integrating concrete examples and/or non-examples from your teaching practice. Homework and practice go hand to hand when students are learning on their own and applying new concepts. As mentioned and described by Marzano, and according to the information provided in the two articles homework and practice are fundamental practices to enhance student achievement. Several elements are described to be involved when providing effective opportunities of practice. For instance, considering the…
The differences between the short story of “Flowers for Algernon” and the movie are very noticeable, and they make the story better and worse in certain ways. The first difference is that in the movie Charlie works at Donner's bakery instead of at Donnegan’s Plastic Box Company like in the short story. The second difference is in the movie Charlie had a flashback about his mom and went to meet her yet in the short story he only has a flashback about his childhood and never sees his mom. A…
These two stories were very alike in many ways. This was surprising because these stories have very different cultures. I would not think that two stories with very different cultures would have so many similarities. But just like they had similarities they had differences also. In both of these stories had a forbidden tree that no one should mess with. In the story Iroquois it says “ they were also warned not to bring harm to this tree which was a great source of nutrients for the people”.…
Differences in movies from books sometimes change the theme of a movie. One of the main themes in the book being that the desire to save ourselves sometimes takes over, and that in dire situations humans do not make logical decisions. Whereas the theme of the movie is that never giving up will soon lead you to the answer you are searching for. By changing the perspective the theme of the movie is different from the book and changed the story drastic. Since the book flashes through story after…
Athens and Sparta had many differences, but they also had many similarities. In the essay will cover government, education and social roles for Athens and Sparta. Government as well as education and social roles had many differences and similarities. Government had many differences. (Such as Sparta having a military base and Athens having a smarter base.) Education also had many differences. (Such as Athens teaching their boys to read and write and Sparta teaching theirs to fight.) Social…
When one compares a big city to a small town, he or she will find many differences. Big cities often have skyscrapers, diverse groups of people, or tourists. When I think of my personal experiences and the comparison of two cities, I think of Las Vegas, Nevada, and Muscle Shoals, Alabama. There are many things that are different about Las Vegas and Muscle Shoals. The most notable differences are the natural elements, the laid back atmosphere, and the different types of people. Las Vegas has a…
Despite our cultures being continent apart, there are similarities and differences on how communication works in our cultures. The goal of the assignment is for two students of different background to interview each other and learn what is alike and distinct between their cultures. Leslie Leanos is the person that I interviewed for this essay. She is from a Mexican-American background while my background is Vietnamese. We came up with five questions and recorded our answers on the document. We…
October 2016 The similarities and differences of Massachusetts and Virginia. Massachusetts and Virginia had many similarities, but both also had many differences. Jamestown, Virginia was established in the year of 1607 by the Virginia Company of England. Shortly after Jamestown was established, Plymouth, Massachusetts was established in the year of 1620 by The Pilgrims. Both of these colony’s had many similarities, but along with these many similarities also came many differences. Some of these…
This is about the similarities and differences about the book The Outsiders and the movie. First compare the similarities. Next contrast the differences. There are many differences and similarities. They both have the same basics of the entire story. The comparisons are what the book and movie had alike through out the story. The contrasts are what was different throughout the story. These are the similarities of the book and the movie. The book and the movie are similar because the…
The differences between the movie and the book are great. There are people missing and scenes cut. There are people added and scenes added. For the most part though, the theme seemed to stay generally the same. These differences come about because of the difference of how movies focus more on drama and books go more in depth, so they came give more detail. The summary, in the general, for both translations Hannah is complaining about the remembering. She is tired of going over her…