When diagnosing the patient, it is important to take all signs into account and differentiate between conditions with similar symptoms, especially in patients whose symptomology matches a plethora of illnesses. Differential diagnosis is used to distinguish between two or more medical conditions that have similar symptoms. Differential diagnosis aids in increased diagnostic accuracy of the diagnosis so that patients can be effectively treated. Differential diagnosis is used often, especially in cases with similar symptoms such as that of the patient in which it is difficult to distinguish been disorders such as in CTE and Alzheimer’s. It is important to examine other disorders to rule out those with similar symptoms from the actual condition. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and many more conditions. CTE is used to describe brain degeneration caused by head trauma3. Important indicators of CTE are previous head trauma, personality change…
000) injection, auto-injector – 1 application intramuscular to be injected as directed. Initial Differential Diagnoses M.G. presented to the clinic today clean and intact. She is well developed, well nourished and in no apparent distress. I examined her face, neck area, bilateral hands, trunk and upper and lower back, and other parts of her body. She has diffuse eczematous lesions in various stages. Macular, popular, erythematous rashes were discovered on her extremities and trunk. Her height…
The differential diagnosis that fits 5-year-old Johnny is Impetigo. Impetigo is caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes, which are Gram-positive bacterias that are highly contagious (Hartman-Adams, Banvard, & Juckett, 2014). According to Hartman-Adams, Banvard, & Juckett (2014), it is the most common bacterial skin infection seen in children between the ages of two and five years old. The symptoms associated with impetigo are classified as ruptured oozing sores, and…
Differential Diagnosis Primary Diagnosis The primary diagnosis of Mandy and Donna Roberts is factitious disorder imposed on another, a condition in which an individual inflicts an illness on someone else. The most predictive characteristic in patients is the absence of symptoms when the victim is separated from the caretaker (Greiner, Palusci, Keeshin, Kearns, & Sinal, 2013). The school nurse “did not think Mandy had any medical problems”; she appeared healthy and operational in the school…
expertise of hundreds of mental healthcare professionals in a condensed resource born out of 12 years of teamwork is altogether humbling (APA, 2013). Awe aside, this discussion will look at both the perceived advantages and disadvantages as a second year mental health counseling student three weeks into internship. The primary advantage of the DSM is that it offers a snapshot of where we are diagnostically with mental healthcare disorder identification and understanding. Within this…
1) What differential diagnoses should be considered for this individual? When addressing this question, the provider may feel overwhelmed with volume and possibility. Consequently, a thorough knowledge of disease pathology, presentation, and an understanding of the establishment and ranking of the most likely differential diagnoses is of immense importance. Like with any presenting complaint, the history and physical should serve as the guidepost for the differential diagnosis. Every disease…
screening tool will be measuring symptomatology of generalized anxiety disorder and major depression. These diagnoses were chosen because of their consistent presence in published literature about mental health and homelessness. This study could not test for more diagnoses that had advanced diagnostic criteria due to not having access to a professional trained in diagnosing. The intention of the survey is also to be brief and easy to answer in order to maximize the number of participants…
the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV (ADIS; DiNardo, Brown, & Barlow, 1994). The ADIS assesses anxiety disorders, as well as psychosis and other diagnoses that are often comorbid with anxiety disorders, such as major depression. The inclusion criteria for recruitment required that patients have primary diagnoses of DSM-IV anxiety disorders, but excluding those with specific phobias and public-speaking anxiety. They have to have had cohabited with their spouse or partner for at…
Association which have impacted clinicians. Initially, the DSM was based on the psycho-social model, however, it was later changed to focus on the medical model. The result of this change caused clinicians to have to diagnose individuals and include a diagnosis in most cases. Insurance companies pushed for a diagnosis as a means reimburse for treatment and therefore pay for the services. As the DSM was being changed, social workers were impacted tremendously by the changes. The role of social…
Protection of Human Subjects. After receiving approval from Baptist Hospital and University of Florida IRB committees data collection began. Data was gathered by Tanya Warner, DNP student and employee of Baptist Hospital. Data was kept in Tanya Warner’s office on campus at Baptist Hospital. Computer data and patient’s medical records were password protected. No identifiable data was included in data collected. 2014 Results 2014 Age and Gender. Patient’s identified as being discharge with…