A study has shown that Internet appearance exposure and magazine reading exposure were correlated with higher internalization of thin ideals, appearance comparison, weight dissatisfaction, and drive for thinness in adolescent girls of mean age of 14.9 years. (Tiggemann & Miller, 2010). As mentioned in lecture, an average American watches 5.13 hours TV per day. (K.Dalrymple, personal communication, October 26,2015). This data shows that television is a dominant media that plays a great deal in our lives. In addition, according to Sparks(2013), young females tend to compare their own bodies with those that are frequently depicted in the media to the extent that they may start to develop various eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia nervosa. Therefore, it would be important to find out how the exposure to the advertisement models in diet product ads on TV might affect the self-perceptions of the body image of male college students. This would help in identifying whether media images have significant effect on body satisfaction of male college students and possibly come out with solutions to reduce the incidence of development of eating disorders in male college students. The proposed research is interested in finding out how the exposure to advertisement models in diet product ads on television may lead to increase in body dissatisfaction in male college students. The social comparison theory would be applicable in answering this research question. Social comparison…
Political candidates must begin building campaigns around digital media to increase levels of political participation among all Americans, but especially young people. While high political participation rates nation-wide…
will be asked to sign a form of consent agreeing that everything that is disclosed within the group must remain confidential at all time unless it is court ordered, threatened or harm is caused to self or other members. As group member, it is your responsibility to attend all group sessions based upon your health circumstances. Members are required to arrive in a timely manner for group sessions each week to ensure that group is started on time. As group member, it is important that we…
Nickolai Titov, Gavin Andrews, Genevieve Schwencke (2008) decided they wanted to use a randomized trial to test if social phobia could be reduced using a computer program along with a therapist. The computer treatment program assisted by a therapist was the computerized cognitive behavioral treatment (CaCCBT) and a program for social phobia called the social program were used. Their hypothesis was social phobia would be reduced using the computer program to treat social phobia. Before…
Procedure The study will be submitted to Northern Illinois University’s Institutional Review Board for approval. Once approval is granted and a middle school has agreed to participate in the study, a letter will be sent home to parents explaining the study and that their consent is required for their child(ren) to participate. All students whose parents return the consent form will be discussed among school staff in order to make pairs. Teachers, social workers, and paraprofessionals will…
studies. Results showed animal visitation programs within these facilities reduced the feeling of loneliness in patients (Banks & Banks, 2012). Having contact with an animal plays a significant role in increasing mood in both children and adults with mental health issues (Beetz et al., 2012). Researchers point out that one on one interaction with an animal is more effective than assigning multiple people to one animal, all who are looking to interact. However, assigning one animal to multiple…
For the purpose of this study, I identified 3 children (who are brothers and sister) named Eric, Mike, and Emily (all pseudonyms) who live in the shelter that I work at. I recognized that Eric, Mike, and Emily would be good participants for this fieldwork assignment. Also, I believe having three participants would provide me with the opportunity to gain more insightful knowledge about the learning process of students. First, however, I asked for and received permission from the three…
In this article, the authors: Terrance V. McCann, Dan I. Lubman wanted to achieve the goal of this study, by evaluating young people with depression and their satisfaction with the quality of care they receive from a primary care youth mental health service: a qualitive study. Understanding this study is important because it will help with the appropriate primary care and early intervention for young people who suffers from depression and other mental health issues. The results will not only…
Authorization is a way of encouraging creativity in the communications space, and the stimulation of competition through lowered barriers of entry, to enable more entrants to participate in a market. According to the ITU, a well-designed framework for authorization creates a foundation for a healthy, competitive information and communication technology sector. The main difference between the perceptions of licensing and authorization is that a licensing-based approach retains the state’s…
Task switching is a habit that every individual has partaken in from time to time. Whether it be when someone is trying to do homework and listen to music or watch television and eat. Individuals most likely do not realize when they are performing two tasks at once. The current review provides a summary of previous research on this topic. First, the review will focus on the background of task switching, such as what it is. Second, it will focus on how the task switching works and how much…