Every day, an image saves someone’s life. How? A diagnostic image can provide doctors with knowledge about a patient’s health. Images are an innovation that has changed the way people live, not only in the health industry but in their personal life, too. They allow people to capture memories and share their experiences with others. Digital and diagnostic are two types of images; diagnostic images are used by doctors while digital images are used by most people. The two types of images are created drastically different; digital is made from light whereas ultrasound, a type of diagnostic image, is made from sound. Although digital images have an important purpose, ultrasound images are the more important revolution. For instance, ultrasound images…
great importance in digital image analysis. It is also one of the most difficult low-level image analysis tasks. Many image processing application apply segmentation as primary step. Image segmentation serve a variety of applications, such as handwritten character identification, medical image analysis as breast cancer detection, in infrared image, automatic target recognition, radar image application, and in pattern recognition application...etc. The quality of the segmentation process…
person’s life or bodies of interest. It has evolved from the first camera to capture photos from professional and digital cameras. However, what lead to make photography and its different kinds of photography? Let’s take a trip through history and see how this all came to be. It all started in 1839; a scientist named Sir John F.W. Herschel first came up with the word “photography” from the Greek words known as photos, meaning light, and graphein, to write or draw. Herschel described photography…
Abdullah Alhassan November 18, 2014 Rough Draft: Is Digital Photography Considered Art? Art is defined as, “something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings”, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary (merriam-webster.com/dictionary/art). When art is a subject that is argued about, imagination and inspiration must be considered. “At what point does something become art?” is a question asked in a book called, What is Art? - 27…
By 1826 he was able to figure out how to use these two things together to create the first ever photograph it took him eight hours of light exposure to create an image and not long after all that hard work the image fades away. Another French man by the name of Louis Daguerre also was trying to figure out a way to keep an image which took him about 12 years to figure, but it technique worked a lot better because all it needed was only 30 minutes of light exposure. Nicéphore Niépce and Louis…
become creative. Photography is a gift that has allowed the world to see the true colors of life in itself. In 300 B.C., Aristotle, a wide known philosopher, questioned why the sun made circular image when shown through a square shaped whole. Later on in 100 A.D. a man who attained great authority in optic laws, invented the first camera called the pinhole camera. During the 1600's, Della Porta reinvented the pinhole camera and was the first European to release any information…
provide us pictures of trivia bigger and more real than life. We forget that we see trivia and notice only that the reproduction is so good. Man fulfils his dream and by photographic magic produces a precise image of the Grand Canyon. The result is not that he adores nature or beauty the more. Instead he adores his camera.” Daniel J. Boorstin once stated (Quoteland). What is a photographer? A photographer is someone who takes pictures, typically on a camera, to record an event or capture a…
Photographer Marceana Black A photographer is a professional that focuses on the art of taking photographs with a digital or film camera. Photographers use artificial and/or natural lighting to snap pictures of various people, places and things in a variety of settings. Photographers typically do marketing and advertise services to attract clients analyze and decide how to compose a subject,use various photographic techniques and equipment capture subjects in commercial-quality…
INTRODUCTION Interactive learning is a learning system that combines together the effect of social networking and urban computing within the same curriculum. Interactive learning has become dominant from a round 2000 and this is due to the increase in the number of people involved in the digital technology and virtual communication. It is a system where the boundary between the educator and the learner means completely nothing and the educators can no longer be regarded as the keeper of…
My Response to Ritchin and Balsamo. From the four reads of the week by Ritchin and Balsamo, my main takeaway from Ritchin was the advancement of digital photography and how it has made it easier for photographers to tell their story through imagery, plus the added effect that tells a false story and Balsamo the unconscious consequence of technological innovations on culture. “Photography, as we have known it, is both ending and enlarging, with an evolving medium hidden inside it as in a…