Introduction The concept of a spooky action at a distance, which describe the how an object could be affected, moved, or changed without being physically affected by another object, has raised different arguments throughout history. Some believe that action at a distance would describe all the uncertainties of quantum physics and would help us understand the unknowns of quantum mechanics. There have been varies experiments that support the claims of action at a distance and those who disagree and look to disprove this concept. One of the experiments that disproves the argument is the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment in short known as the EPR experiment. The correlation in this experiment mainly suggest that there are no influences between…
We remembered to stay close to the field so that we could hear the calls for water. The conversation was so intense we mistakenly walked further than regular. Next, I distinctly remember hearing loud ship like bells ringing. Around the plantation, bells ringing meant two things: runaway or fire. Abraham and I, heard the bells and looked at each other with fear. We quickly made our way back to the path to led us by the water stations. As we got closer, we heard dogs barking and seconds later we…
uncomfortableness around your peers with a sigh. They are not amused and have decided you are blacklisted from their social group. These are the elite, and only few can gain entry to this group during your first years of high school. The bell rings and you hastily move to history down the hall, ducking and dodging the herds of sheep who have nothing better to do than walk as a barricade in the hall, a single annoying organism. As you arrive you see a select few with the same interests as you.…
Edgar Allen Poe work on “The Bells” makes use of the following literary techniques: mood, rhythm, universal themes, and lastly the style of poem. The Bells consist of four stanzas of varying lengths that follows no particular rhyme scheme (Poetry E., 2003). Each stanza consists of four different bells: sleigh, wedding, alarm and lastly funeral (Poetry E., 2003). Common occurrence of the ringing, Poe finds a metaphor for the progression of the common man from the carefree times of youth (as in…
For half of my kindergarten year I would hear that bell. Not the one the teacher would rattle to get her students attention, but the one that indicated that the time for recess had come. I would halfheartedly get out of my seat and walk out onto the play yard. Ready to go on a lonely adventure that my imagination had been dying to show to me. I felt like each second ticked on like hours as I ran out of new adventures to go on, and after a while I would just end up waiting for the bell to ring…
The bell rang dismissing students from the torture called school. Piper and I packed up our belongings and made our way out of the library. "Hey, Piper, did Gabe give you a solid reason why he broke up with you?" The question should have been asked earlier, but my evil mind had gotten way ahead of me. "Nothing in particular. He said we were getting too serious. Thus, we were done," Piper answered. I nodded and replied, "Well, he will be regretting it soon. I need to go to my locker. I'll meet…
“Pepper!!” The voice echoed up the stairs. “Pepper!! Get out of bed this minute!!” Pepper’s Mom shouted over the screaming of the baby in the background. “If you’re late to school again, you’re grounded for a month!” Pepper rolled over and pulled the covers up to her chin. “Just five more minutes,” she whispered to herself. Pepper thought about how the day would unfold. She’d show up to school and the math teacher, Mr. Blotson, would give her a disappointed look because she hadn’t simplified the…
“Let’s put her in the closet before teacher comes back!” Let me go! I shrieked as they threw me in the cramped closet. Thump! Slam! Let me out I screeched as I pounded on the door. “Hahahaha!” The children chuckled as they left me sobbing on the lumpy floor. I cried out for the teacher but my mournful words were muffled by the towering wooden door. It was total silence and I was determined to see the sun. Just before they locked me in the closet, I saw a light bulb at the top of the…
Personal Narrative Troy .T Gordon Mrs. Tubergan and Mrs. Rhodes English 6 October 4 2017 L When I woke up I heard the livingroom tv on. I got ready to go to school. I arrived at elementary school, it was cold and raining when i got to school. After school I got home and sat down. Inside my house it was warm and cozy, outside it was very cold. Then I sat down on my couch and started my boring math homework due the next day. Then I finished my math homework. I got up and…
Leah Mueller traces her interest in singing back to fourth grade, when she started taking voice lessons. That same year, Mueller was a student at Boalsburg Elementary in David Rockower’s class. Today, she and Rockower are colleagues at Delta Middle School, where Mueller teaches music and theatre. Unlike most schools, including those within the district, Delta Middle offers a curricular theatre program. “We are very fortunate,” said Mueller. “If theatre were available during the school day for…