Personal Ambitions Throughout my time at Belmont University, I have acquired traits of compassion, dedication, trust, confidence, and integrity. These are things that I always knew I should keep in my mind whenever I make a decision or action. My inspiration would be my parents; they have influenced me to always uphold these traits to use whenever I would make a career or personal decisions. They have helped me to decide my personal ambition, to be wealthy in happiness, where money won’t have control over myself or my decisions. There will always be moments in the future where the money will determine how I will achieve these personal goals or ambitions. I have made a list of the traits I will use in order to achieve my ambitions, how they…
Hebrews 3:14 states, “For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.” The most prominent moment of my college experience was deciding to remain a student at Belmont University my first semester of freshman year. Choosing to attend a Predominately White Institution was not the ideal college experience I envisioned. I was faced with many incidents I would not encounter at a State University and most certainly…
Description Of All Night & Day Cookies All Night & Day Cookies will be a new 24 hour, 7 day a week cookie shop on Belmont’s campus. There will be cookies of every kind, especially for those with dietary needs. Belmont’s campus has a limited selection of food choices after a certain time, and that time is not late enough. College students are up late hours, doing homework, working on projects or just hanging out. Campuses across the country have adjusted to the night owls that are now college…
The Kentucky Derby takes place at Churchill Downs; otherwise referred to as, derby, it is one of the better-known venues in the Triple Crown. If you’re not an avid fan of horse racing, the Kentucky Derby is identified by the extravagant hats and well-dressed spectators. Churchill Downs was opened in 1875 and one of the major stakes races was the Kentucky Derby. Colonel Meriwether Lewis Clark who had the desire to showcase the breeding grounds of Kentucky’s history then opened Churchill Downs.…
She has been shown to care about others and is always friendly towards the horses and people. This gained her the trust and respect by the industry. She was honoured with an award by the thoroughbred club in 2012. During the award ceremony, Mrs. Cauthen said, “I believe our directors have made an exemplary addition… Mrs. Chenery’s stewardship of Secretariat’s ongoing legacy and her other services to racing fit this mould very admirably.” (u.k. 2015) Cheney finally had the respect of the racing…
David Cheng (2004) an assistant dean at Columbia University commented on the importance of campus communities in “Students’ Sense of Campus Community: What it Means and What to do About It” saying that “In order for students to have a sense of campus community, student affairs administrators should strive to build a community that…celebrates traditions and heritage of the institution…”. There are no major traditions at AU. Touching the eagle as you head into Bender Arena during convocation…
In a discussion about the paradigms of public education, Ken Burns addresses the controversial topic of cultural education. Public education is experiencing a time of confusion in helping children develop cultural identity so the new generation can continue to play an important role in globalization. This confusion causes an immediate reaction: continue to do what has been done in the past--instruct children to work hard, do well, and earn a college degree, then they will get a job. Many…
I have observed many children who have dropped out of college because they were not ready for the freedom of being on their own. I remember my next door neighbor only let her son attend a local community college. The other children attended colleges and universities far away from home, but he went to school nearby. The reason behind that is because his mom wanted to make sure her child was prepared for college mentally. She didn’t want her son to drop out because of parties, and not keeping up…
With 86.75 percent of the U.S. population having some type of internet access, this statement is accurate. We do everything over the internet; from keeping in touch with love ones to completing our educational goals. In the last couple of years the number of students taking online classes has seen a steady increase. According to E. Allen and J. Seaman (2013) in 2013, 32 percent of college/university students were participating in one or more online courses. In an article “Revolution hits the…
The Desire for “More” Derives from School In every classroom, there are an abundance of different students that attend school for several reasons. Some of those reasons may be to graduate and venture to college, to play sports in college, to get a brighter education, or just to receive their diploma at the end of one’s twelve year-period of struggle and chaos. Each person has a goal that is different than another’s, but there are some students who struggle with the question of why to stay in…