My real name is Charlotte Malcolm, named after my father Malcolm Hancock. My mother told me she refused to name me after Master, because of what he did her and my father. My first name comes from Charlotte, North Carolina, for that was the city my parents had chosen for their free lives. At the young age of 6 I got a more clear grasps on what slavery was, what was going on around me. I was assigned my first,
and only, job around the plantation- a water bearer. Once you were given a job you had to get up everyday, except Sundays, at 5am for morning roll call. If you were late you would be put in a hot box all day, even in the most scorching weather. Although Master John was a nice man, he did not at all tolerate any slack when it came down to his business. His plantation, named Levi, was locally famous but was also well known all across the south and some up north.Travelers from lots of places would come here just to buy the cotton he sold, we picked.
On the plantation, we lived by and obeyed 3 specific rules Master enforced that little to nobody dared to break:
1. Slaves are forbidden to leave this premise unless given permission specifically from me or accompanied by an authorized white person, if a slave does otherwise punishment and death is …show more content…
We remembered to stay close to the field so that we could hear the calls for water. The conversation was so intense we mistakenly walked further than regular. Next, I distinctly remember hearing loud ship like bells ringing. Around the plantation, bells ringing meant two things: runaway or fire. Abraham and I, heard the bells and looked at each other with fear. We quickly made our way back to the path to led us by the water stations. As we got closer, we heard dogs barking and seconds later we see four men and two dogs coming straight at us. They were yelling at us to get down or they’ll shoot. We both complied with their order and