Every day, more or less, is the same for the average person. We rise, work, and return home to start over. The only reason anyone would succumb to a seemingly dreary existence is because there is a light inside that tells us everyday we get through is another day closer to that thing we want most for ourselves. This is seen in “War Dance”, a documentary about the yet to be mitigated Uganda, and the wondrous film “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”. One could even see it in the classic novella “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck.nThis is because this light is inherent within all of us, giving us the push that is needed in order to go through every day. This light is our hopes and dreams. Our hopes, dreams, and goals are the things that provide humans the passion, desire, and will to get to what they want most in life. Our hopes are what provides us the passion to do anything in order to achieve what we want. We’re willing to overcome any obstacle that we happen upon when we have a hope for the future. “Whether measured as a trait or a state, hope is related to positive outcomes” (Scott 1). If you look at the boy named Dominic filmed in “War Dance”, you can see that despite his past captivity and the loss of his brother and parents he is filled with hope to become the best xylophone player that he can be. This hope is what gave Dominic the passion to practice his xylophone, as well as dancing and singing everyday. This hope is what gave Dominic the passion to brave his way…
According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the fundamental need one must satisfy is the ability to be physiologically sound and financially secure. On the other hand, passion is an aspect that can only be achieved once an individual is able to secure such fundamental needs. In the articles Why You Shouldn’t Follow Your Passions by Alison Green, Why “Follow Your ‘Passion” Is [Bad] Advice by Joshua Fields Millburn, and Why “Follow Your Passion” Is Pretty Bad Advice by Nathaniel Koloc, the…
Passion Will Be My Paycheck I could sense all 32 of their hearts beating. They were nervous, very nervous. They gathered their flags and headed to warm-up. They were awful quiet for a group of teenage girls, but rightly so, they were about to perform their first winter guard show. Myself and the other co-directors, gave instructions that they listened to very carefully. “Smile, chin up, and have fun.” The girls responded with multiple anxious questions. My words gave them short term comfort as…
Husband and wife marital counselors find their own marriage in trouble when the husband begins an affair with the wife of a couple living in their home prompting the foursome to agree to an unconventional living arrangment. SYNOPSIS MAGGIE and ELLIOT WILSON (middle aged) are relationship counselors who counsel others on how to keep love, passion, and intimacy alive in a marriage. Their own marriage is tested when Elliot band Maggie invite KAREN and ARNIE GREEN into their home while their own…
I’ll be right back. Watch from behind the trees.” Nancy then proceeded to walk to the front steps of the impressive house. When she knocked, almost immediately a maid answered the door. Betty and Ben couldn’t hear a word that was being said, as they were at least half of a mile away. “Momma, who’s house is this?” Ben curiously asked. “We don’t know, baby. We’re just getting some more food for us.” Betty kept a close eye on her sister. After the maid left the front door, a burly man with…
Everyday people think they see something when they really do not. People think that they see something that is not actually there. In the book The Invisible Gorilla by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons, they explain how the human mind can trick you into seeing or not seeing things. The purpose of the book explains how you can miss the most obvious things and not even know it. The chapter of the book is about the cop that was beat by other cops. Four black men left a shooting at a hamburger…
The movie Shutter Island was directed by Martin Scorsese and was released in 2010. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, and Michelle Williams. An escaped patient at Ashecliffie Hospital brings U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his newly appointed partner (Mark Ruffalo) to the remote Island asylum. The escapee, a murderess woman, seems to have simply vanished into thin air from behind a locked door. As Teddy becomes consumed by the case, rumors of horrific…
In a bloody battle with Necho’s Egyptian army in 605 BC, Prince Nebuchadnezzar the son of Nabopolassar, pushed the Egyptian army back across the river and claimed Judah to Babylon. After Nebuchadnezzar departed back to his homeland to ascend to the throne, Judah began to revolt against the Babylonian rule which called for the now King to return to suppress the trouble. Upon his return the King had completed many projects to remind Judah of whom their king was. One of the projects was to take…
Markets Soar as Japan Starts Up Rotors for Helicopter Money Following Bernanke Visit Markets Soar as Japan Starts Up Rotors for Helicopter Money Following Bernanke Visit Despite worrisome economic indicators, markets recently soared to all-time highs based on speculation that Japan plans to inject helicopter money into its economy to combat the country 's deflation. This best-guess prognostication was fueled by former Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernake 's dramatic visit to meet with Japanese…
Ben and Jerry’s ice cream started as two guys serving ice cream in a converted gas station, but today the ice cream company distributes its ice cream products internationally through grocery stores, franchisees, and grocery delivery services. The ice cream maker has two production facilities, both in Vermont. The Ben and Jerry’s headquarters is in Waterbury, VT. This is where tourists and ice cream fans can take tours of how the ice cream is made. The second facility is much larger and located…