In this essay I will be explaining the life of St Benedict, his background, culture and upbringing of him. The challenges he faced in society at the time. What St Benedict did and the impact it brought to society and the Christian Community and how they are a model for Christians living in the 21st Century. St Benedict is also known as Benedict of Nursia (Norcia) is a Christian saint, honoured by the Catholic Church and the Anglican Church as the patron saint of Europe and students. St Benedict was born in Nursia, a town in the South of Italy, around the year of 480 AD. His father was Anicius Eutropius, a Roman noble and his Mother were Abundantia and he had a twin sister known as St. Scholastica. His family was rich while he was growing up and therefore he was opened to an excellent education and house while he grew and received special privileges such as servants. He…
“The Rule of Benedict” was written in Latin by St. Benedict of Nurisa in about 540. In his youth, St. Benedict was sent to Rome to study and became disillusioned with the sinful lifestyle of the city and withdrew into solitude to dedicate his life to God. (Intro, Carolinne White). While pursing holiness Benedict started to amass a following who wanted to live like him, soon after he founded a monastery in Monte Cassino, Rome in turn creating the Order of Saint Benedict. Benedict writes his Rule…
Overarching Theme in the Rule of St. Benedict In The Rule of St. Benedict, a large section of the work is devoted to analyzing humility, which seems to run as an overarching theme throughout the work itself. While a focus on all twelve stages of the humility is too large in scope for this assignment, I will be focusing on the fear of the Lord and humility manifest in all facets of life. Prior to analyzing humility, it is important to first define what it is and why it is important. Saint…
The Rule of Saint Benedict is a book of precepts written by Benedict of Nursia for monks living communally under the authority of an abbot, specifically those in the monastery he founded at Monte Cassino. A rule itself provides stability of community, encourages self-sufficiency and combines spirituality with practicality. In the case of the Benedictine Rule, this path between the pursuit of spiritual growth and the earthly needs of the monks is far more moderate than previously seen. Individual…
individuals who believe in the value of an education at Saint Benedict School and wish to see the school reach its maximum potential. “If you want the best for your kids – this is it.” Members agreed that the school’s strengths include: • Strong student participation in the community “The kids are happy, educated, and well rounded. They participate in the faith community and in the larger community.” • A caring, community atmosphere “They go extra step to make sure kids are doing well…
Benedict Arnold A man, who was once known as one of the greatest generals involved in the revolutionary war, quickly gained the reputation of a traitor to America. General Benedict Arnold suddenly betrayed America and joined the British enemy. Much controversy is raised when discussing the reason Arnold chose to switch sides, but historical documents clear unanswered questions and have the potential to justify his reasons. From a different perspective, his actions signify personal gain, but…
Benedict of Nursia: The Monastic Movement Benedict of Nursia was an important monastic leader, who helped cultivate and develop the monastic movement with a sense of education and piety. St. Benedict was born in c.480 and died at Monte Cassino in the year 543. As he was growing up he wanted to live for his sole purpose in life to serve and attain to the desire of his holy purpose while serving God. Benedict fled to Rome to pursue his goal of serving God and understand the real meaning and life…
the opposite side and betrayed the colonies. They would do it for fame, revenge or other personal reasons. One of these people was Benedict Arnold, a general in the Continental Army and the first American traitor. However, he did do many good deeds and because of lack of recognition he turned.” Young Benedict Arnold walks on stage. Narrator 1- “Arnold’s life started simple and happy in Norwich, Connecticut. He was a mischievous little boy who played lots of pranks and took tons of risks.” …
The Notorious Benedict Arnold by Steve Sheinkin tells the true tale of Benedict Arnold. Starting as a great general for the patriots and becoming the nation’s very first traitor. A once wealthy Arnold family, their name was destroyed by Benedict’s father. His father’s business was failing and soon after his father picked up heavy drinking. Everyone knew how the Arnolds went from rich to poor and Benedict was ashamed. His goal was to return honor to his family’s name. Arnold created a…
Around the medal's outer margin are the words "Eius in obitu nostro praesentia muniamur" ("May we, at our death, be fortified by His presence"). The other side of the medal has a cross with the initials CSSML on the vertical bar which signify "Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux" ("May the Holy Cross be my light") and on the horizontal bar are the initials NDSMD which stand for "Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux" ("Let not the dragon be my overlord"). The initials CSPB stand for "Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti" ("The…