Having endured months of intense conditioning, the time came for us to see if our work paid off. It was max-out day for varsity football. But not just any max-out day; it was bench press day. Every coach and player in the weight room knew that I was working toward this record since achieving second place in my freshman year. I did my dynamic warmup and hit a few reps of 300 to prepare. I grabbed my belt and tightened it accordingly; ironically, it grew a conscience of its own and decided not to function. The bar was loaded and I was forced to max-out without the aid of my belt. Nevertheless, I sat down and performed my normal pre-lift rituals. I laid back, and took the bar in my hands. With a deep breath, I un-racked the bar and claimed the strongest bench press in the history of the school. As one can see, I did not simply wake up benching 365 pounds. In conjunction with a period of conditioning serving as a framework, progression in the weight room is directly relational to the amount of concentration dedicated to individual elements of a particular lift. In terms of the bench press, the degree of concentration on details such as arm control, grip…
Introduction Bench Press Exercise: The bench press is a key exercise in strength and conditioning programs. It is one of the most popular exercises amongst competitive and recreational athletes. The bench press commonly measures and evaluates upper-body strength, muscle-mass, power and, in some cases, muscular endurance. The lift is typically performed lying supine on a bench using a barbell. There are several variations of the bench press exercises to include the wide-grip bench press,…
the three main lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. During competitions, competitors have three attempts on each lift to move the highest weight they can. At the end of the competition winners are chosen by whoever was able to lift the most weight in their bodyweight category for each of the three lifts and a winner is also chosen for whoever had the highest total weight of the three lifts. Now let’s get back to the main subject; how chalk is used in powerlifting. The problem during…
Hey, what’s up guys? I’m Kyla and this Faith. In this video we be showing you the safe and proper way to perform the five basic lifts, the push press, the back and front squat, the bench press, and finally, the deadlift. However, before we begin it is important to stretch out and warm up your muscles to make sure you don’t get hurt. Now that we are warmed up we can begin to set up for the lifts. Today we will be using the standard bar which weighs 45 pounds. Once you’ve got the bar in the proper…
I slowly increased the days to 4 then 5 in two hour interval workouts. Even though I was getting more physically fit, my diet was still not as good as I wanted it to be. I then made this proposed behavior change in order to increase my strength and better my life. I planned to workout once a day 6 days a week for two hours per workout. My goals were to increase my overall strength, bench press one rep of 315 lbs. and squat 2-3 reps of 405 lbs. I found out quickly that in order to have a…
can. When it comes to sets and repetitions, I will start with the sets and repetitions that I regularly have done before and work my way up. For example, for bicep curls, I will do 4 sets of 12 repetitions with 20 pound weights. For shoulder flies, I will do 5 sets of 10 repetitions with 15 pound weights. For pushups, I will do 5 sets of 20 repetitions with 15 second breaks in between. There are countless types of exercises you could do for the various muscles in your body. In order to work…
important step for combatting them. Even today, while I am resting between sets, I oftentimes find myself visualizing lifting the weights in preparation for actually lifting the weights. When doing bench presses, I now imagine myself lifting the bar off the rack, feeling the weight pressing down on my arms and shoulders, and the sensation of feeling the bar touch my chest as I squeeze every muscle fiber to lift the weight back up. I imagine what it would feel like if I became tired, started…
The drop-set training system is a technique in which the participant performs a resistance training exercise to muscle failure, reduces the weight, and then continues with the exercise for an additional number of repetitions. Within one set, the participant “drops” weight several times (Clark, 2014). This method of training is considered an advanced technique done by many experienced bodybuilders (Id). The extent of weight drop does not appear to be agreed upon. The Clark text (Id) mentions…
Deadlift Benefits Deadlifts have the potential to cause serious back injuries, but a deadlift is also used to treat patients with lower back injuries (Berglund et al, 2015). Patients that participate in rehabilitative exercise using the deadlift, tested with a higher performance on the Biering-Sorensen test (Berglund et al, 2015). The Biering-Sorensen test evaluates the hip and back extensor muscles aerobic capacity. This rehabilitative exercise also helps to improve a reduction in the pain…
Hands shoulder-width apart. Back arched. Eyes level with the bar. Shoulder blades touching. The weight plummets as I struggle to manage the load. Just as the bar hovers over my chest, muscles fire like a well-rehearsed symphony across my upper body, providing the force necessary to wrestle with gravity. The tides turn as the weight retires back to its stand while I let out an unearthly grunt fueled by adrenaline and euphoria. As I collapse on the ground, gasping and heaving, my lungs take in the…