and artificial intelligence (AI) to make tasks easier and aid humans; but, can artificial intelligence do more than aid humans? Can humans use artificial intelligence for something less mechanical and more organic, such as visual arts? Yes, at the rate technology is advancing, artificial intelligence will be able to create fine arts as skillfully as humans. In the future, artificial intelligence will be able to understand human thought and emotion to create visual art. Artificial intelligence is defined as “machines using language, form abstractions and concepts, solve kinds of problems now…
In the documentary “Never Sorry (Klayman Alison, dir.) Ai Weiwei is described as a lover of culture but an artist who breaks the societal norms crossing the line in what government deems controversial and outlandish. Ai Weiwei a Chinese contemporary artist and activist who brings creative line crossing ideas of work to spark conversation on controversial governmental decisions, political climate, and the over powerful government. Age fifty-nine (59) born May 18, 1957 in Beijing, China – his…
the Brain’s Mind a Computer Program, “ John R. Searle presents an interesting argument against strong artificial intelligence proponents. Believers of strong artificial intelligence contend that a computer that can pass the Turing test is displaying cognitive ability. The Turing test basically states that if a computer can function in such a way that an expert can not distinguish its performance from that of a human who has a certain cognitive ability, such as the ability to understand a…
In response to the question: “Can art today be a form of protest?” Matthew Biro says, “In many ways, the obvious answer is “yes.”” (Biro) Ai Weiwei, a contemporary artist, uses protest as a form of art. He resides in China as a critical activist towards the corruption in China. Unlike Augustus, who was born in to a wealthy equestrian estate, Ai Weiwei’s family was sent to a labor camp. Later, they lived in exile for sixteen years. His unfortunate early life in exile birthed a great deal of…
Ai Weiwei is a very unique character. Recently being hailed by Sasha Grishin as “China’s Andy Warhol” (Grishin) and known worldwide for his artistic and political endeavors, he has become a notable person to follow. His recent exhibition has also solidified my view of his purpose in art and the political platform: persecution of any type must not be tolerated. However, let us first look at the differences between the role of contemporary art in both the American culture and that of…
Duchampian Sunflower Seeds Ai Weiwei's photograph titled Profile of Duchamp, Sunflower Seeds represents the face of the French-American painter Marcel Duchamp. This photo was taken in 1983 as a re-imagining of Duchamp's Self Portrait In Profile that was completed in 1958, by utilizing a coat hanger. The photograph's present location is the Moriss and Helen Belkin Art Gallery in Vancouver, and is one of the series of Ai Weiwei: New York Photographs, 1983-1993. The artist personally picked 227…
Exploring Weiwei’s and Jonnson art style, I have become aware that both these artists uses art as a deliberate means of communicating meaning. Weiwei’s uses arts as a method to voice his rebellious opinions even when heavy consequence are as a result, to me is admirable. His work ethic and ability to continually fight for his others and human rights is inspiring as he has never given up, and has used his own experiences to fight for what he believes in even more. They way that he creates each…
An individual with a passion for art and a voice that speak against the injustice in society, Ai Weiwei is one of the most influentially talented artist, writer, and activist known in the contemporary period of China as well as internationally. His artworks are reflected and are influenced upon various factors that had played a critical role in his life. These factors as a result lead Weiwei, in the past two to three decades, to produced outstanding artworks. Weiwei works are perplex with deep…
recent advancements in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, researchers have begun to take a closer look at intellectual property laws as they apply to creative works produced by computers. The issue in question is: If a computer program creates a piece of work without human assistance or intervention, whether it is a book, video or musical composition, who owns the work, and who should receive royalties or sales of the work? One example of why this question is becoming…
Shanghai Calling is a movie that describes a man, Sam, is ordered to work in China. Therefore he arrived China as a worker immigrant. He met some Chinese people and start the story with a scam. Sam almost lost his job during solving this problem. Finally, he decides to live in Shanghai and start his new career. This movie brings out several problems that are common to migrants. After watching the movie, I have integrated some problems that the migrants might face. There are four points: The…