Cultivating Development is an innovative contribution to the ethnography of development.. Mosse’s argument is thought-provoking and serves to provide a helpful bridge between both the popular expectation of development organizations to be comprised of charitable, purely altruistic workers and the critical, post-modern narrative of the wholly politically-driven aid monolith (most influentially driven by the works of Ferguson and Escobar). While Mosse illuminates a portion of development work previously unstudied in totality (the aid project), his main arguments are under-supported, seek to frame the development organization as a somehow different operation than any other sort of organization, and ignore the interests of workers at different…
Introduction Mujeres Unidas Contra el SIDA (Women United Against AIDS) was founded in 1994 and has been a well-established non-profit AIDS service organization (ASO) for the last twelve years. The agency obtained 501(c) 3 status in the year 2000 and receives most of its funding from the Ryan White foundation. Other funding comes from private foundations and fundraising. Mujeres is located on the bus line, close to other ASOs, in downtown San Antonio. The agency has a very small staff of 6, but…
There are three main criticisms: failure to coordinate aid, Africa’s increased dependence on aid, and the conditions set by funding agents on how African governments may allocate those funds (Knack, 2007). Independent aid agencies may cause problems for the receiving countries. For one, aid can lead to not only monetary dependence, but dependence on political assistance. African countries with poor governance may grow to depend on advice from foreign agencies (Knack, 2007; Oxfam, 1998). For…
Riccucci published a case study titled Managing across Boundaries: A Case Study of Dr. Helene Gayle and the AIDS Epidemic. The case study follows the career and accomplishments of Dr. Helene D. Gayle in the field of public health and contagious sexually transmitted diseases. This case study analysis will focus on the main forces Dr. Gayle faced, how these forces were addressed, how the political resources of a public agency administrator were utilized, the means to which Dr. Gayle sought to…
AIDS has the word “acquired” in the name, which means it is obtained but what does that entail? The disease derives from a virus labeled the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Once infected with HIV it causes the body to try and fight the infection yet in doing so only cripples the body's immune system. In time the virus slowly tears down the immune system which makes it much hard to defend itself from the germs it used to be able to protect the body from. Leading to AIDS which is the…
family, and school all at the same time without lacking interest in any of the topics. It has especially become challenging because my work at this point of my career is demanding a lot of traveling which makes it somewhat difficult to stay on top of my education. I have been fortunate enough to count with good support from my family which allows me to maintain on top of my work and school schedule. I am currently in my last semester of school and feel extremely excited to achieve my degree…
Role of Anthropologist in HIV/Aids Article In this issue of “Practicing Anthropology” a multitude of articles discuss the AIDS epidemic taking place throughout different African Countries. These articles focus on various aspects of HIV/AIDS in Africa such as the correlation between gender and HIV, the influence of the lack of health care workers on HIV/AIDS, the different ethical components needed to take into consideration when developing various HIV/AIDS interventions, and different types of…
(Public Health Agency of Canada, 2010). This Canadian population consists…
been trying to take a stand to break away from the failed policies of the past and focus their attention on fair taxes, proper tariffs and locally generated policies (Raymond, 2011). The United States needs to take a step back and work to properly allocate foreign aid in a way that will slowly diminish Haiti’s dependence (Raymond, 2011). Foreign aid must not stop all at once; distribution of aid must be removed slowly to allow the Haitians to build towards their hopes of living…
13. How can U.S based social workers contribute solutions to the AIDS epidemic in Africa? Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is one of the most consequential of the sexually transmitted conditions, with Africa having the highest rate around the world (Ginsberg, Nackerud, & Larrison, 2004). AIDS is transmitted in a variety of ways, but has to include the infusion of blood or blood products that are already infected with the virus into the blood stream of someone who is not infected…