lead to enormous tension in China. The flop of CCP leader, Mao Zedong, leading the Great Leap Forward put his credentials as the CCP leader into question. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (the Cultural Revolution) took into action to regain Mao’s credentials as leader, bringing back the Chinese revolutionary spirit…
In 1966, Chairman Mao Zedong, China’s Communist party leader at the time, launched a social-political movement that became formally known as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Its official goal was to change and correct the direction in which the current Communist leaders were leading China, and to preserve “true” Communist ideology. To rid all possible aspects of capitalism in the country, he shut down the entire nation’s schools and called for a mass assemblage of the country’s youth.…
During the Cultural Revolution in China, which took place from 1966 to 1976, Mao Zedong mobilized groups of devoted young people who called themselves “Red Guards,” whose goals was to spread the idea of socialism across China or to protest against the democratic society. This gives rise to the question “Who were the Red Guards and what major impacts did they have during the Cultural Revolution?” The Red Guards have affected schools and its students, as well as the economy and its citizens, and…
During this course we have examined the Cultural Revolution through various means. One of the tools we used to gain insight into the specific chronological chain of events is the historical monograph called Mao’s Last Revolution. This is a large book consisting of specific accounts of events in a structured factual manner. This is an advantage if you are interested in a specific event in the Cultural Revolution. When information on the Red Guards is needed you can open up this book and find…
with the Soviet Union and the United States. However, his popularity and role as the ultimate leader kept Mao in power, so much so as to spark the Cultural Revolution that left China in a state of chaos. Before top Communist party members began this era of civil strife and weak foreign affairs, Mao and his closest followers tried to reform Chinese industry and way of living. After the Communist regime…
Throughout the Cultural Revolution, social life become highly politicalised and unpredictable (Shirk, 1993). Due to the nature of the Cultural Revolution, which placed an unprecedented emphasis on culture, even those without a political background were targeted and branded as ‘class enemies’ due to their professions, interests or backgrounds (Bai, 2014). Ordinary citizens had to worry about being criticised by their neighbours and co-workers (Shirk, 1993). Virtually all engineers, managers,…
Cultural Revolution happened from 1966 to 1976, it also called “The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (Phillips, 2016). The main persons of the Cultural Revolution are Mao Zidong, Liu Shaoqi and also the gang of four. Furthermore, it was a decade-long period of political and social chaos, which caused by Mao Zedong’s order, to use the Chinese masses to reassert his control over the Communist Party(Phillips, 2016). In the following, to introduce the background of Cultural Revolution,…
believed that history is shaped by an individual’s thoughts. We can see this concept being applied throughout his reign. One example is The Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution, commonly referred as the Cultural Revolution. It was led by Mao Zedong for primarily political motives. High US officials described the revolution “a debate on policy between revolutionary romantics and pragmatics” and “a power struggle of ambitious men competing for the succession…
Assess the social and political effects of the Cultural Revolution on China based on Mao Zedong’s aim The Cultural Revolution (1966~1976) was a sociopolitical movement that was both ideological and political in nature. It was seen as a rectification movement that sought to remold the values and ideas of society and to create a new vision for China. Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Communist Party of China, was determined to prevent the rebirth of the bureaucratic class and its practice of…
All of it. But how did you change an entire culture? Revolutions were about politics, not perceptions, weren 't they?” (“A Quote from Infidel”). I believe this quote really defines what the Cultural Revolution was all about because the Cultural Revolution started with one man with a vision to shape China’s future, and that man was Mao Zedong. He wanted to spread his ideologies across China and impose his beliefs. He paved the way for the Cultural Revolution and changed the way the people in…