Women could make a considerable impact on the country if elected president. Our constitution states that all mankind is created equal. Everyone should be treated equally, so if a man can be president, so can a woman. Women can be leaders and make a difference, just like Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, and Mother Theresa. Susan B. Anthony was born in Adams, Massachusetts on February 15, 1820. She developed a sense of justice and moral zeal early in her life. She became active in temperance after fifteen years of temperance. She wasn’t allowed to speak at rallies since she was a woman. The temperance rallies and her association with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, led her to join the Women’s rights movement in 1852. Soon after, she dedicated her life…
Mercy Ministries is a faith based not for profit organization that serves young women with life controlling issues. Established in 1983 by Nancy Alcorn, they have helped over 3000 residents overcome debilitating problems such as eating disorders, self-harm, drug and alcohol addiction, depression and unplanned pregnancy, physical and sexual abuse including those who are victims of sex-trafficking. It is “Mercy’s goal…to help these young women find freedom from their issues and empower them to…
all Odds Growing up you feel like anything is possible, you are given certain ideas that any dream or goal you have can be met with hard work behind it all. Is this always true? Maybe, maybe not? I want to introduce you to my cousin Melina. This young woman, I viewed as my oldest sister. She was born and raised in the Coachella Valley to a teen mother named Diana. Melina grew up in a broken latino family, with her father leaving her as a child. She then had a stepfather who wasn’t the most…
Our country’s ideology and opinions on a woman’s stature, fortune and overall place in this world has come a very long way in terms of fairness and equality. From being treated as property (as an entire gender) and being deprived normal human rights such as participating in elections and even household decisions, to having women being able to be the sole bread winner of a household and even having a woman as a candidate to be the president of an entire nation! Then again, women are still being…
to live with her husband. She is beard children; remain in the kitchen, and implicitly obey her partner. Kamala Markandaya works on the lower middle class women. She portrays the poor conditions of these sacrificing women. She boldly asserts that these helpless victims of nature and men need economic independence education and mental experience before they get married. She wants this…
The campaign also aims to motivate young women and girls to be confident after they hit puberty when their confidence typically drops. The Always campaign accomplishes this goal through the use of branding, challenging text statements, startling statistics and research findings on young women’s confidence, and critiquing the common place of the phrase “like a girl.” Always and the #LikeAGirl Campaign. The international feminine hygiene company…
Becoming an Apache Woman, Something Only a Girl Can Do In some cultures, an adolescent’s transition into adulthood is celebrated with an extravagant soiree, while other’s are expected to recite religious scriptures. Meanwhile for the Apaches, a native American tribe that lives in the southwestern United States, the leap into womanhood is marked by a symbolic four-day Sunrise Ceremony. The young Apache girl’s physical endurance is tested during this event, where it is believed that she will enter…
Female coming of age stories are especially intriguing, considering that society often has a set of ideals about what is of value to women and what young women should experience. The Lives of Girls and Women, by Alice Munro, introduces the story of a girl named Del growing into a woman. Del is a young girl who is primarily raised by her mother. Del explores her sexuality, her religious beliefs, her sense of self-empowerment, and the function of gender in society. Housekeeping, written by…
After carefully evaluating the speech spoken by Adrienne Rich, it was apparent that she argued for women to stand up and take control of their education instead of just tolerating it. She presents this speech to an audience of women at a women’s only institution in 1977, resulting in her speech mainly focusing on women who were academically discriminated to their belief. During her speech she desires her audience to be assertive and to strive for self-respect to help women universally, which…
it was not over yet, there were fewer and fewer advances made once we reached the 70s and 80s. Based upon the “grades” the poem’s persona receives from her husband and children, she is struggling to balance her duties as a wife and mother. The grades themselves do not focus on herself as a person but rather on her household chores. She receives an A in cooking, her best “class”, but receives an incomplete in ironing. This suggests that she neglects certain duties to perfect others. Perhaps she…