Driving Age Should not be Raised Essay

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    Why the driving age should not be raised Driving is a big art of maturing and growing as an individual. State governments are pushing for the driving age to be raised to eighteen, but there is no reason for this. Sixteen year olds are naturally capable to drive with their senses being heightened as they are younger. Generally, sixteen year olds are unfairly judged as irresponsible and not attentive enough to drive. They also need access to driving in order to get around, and it makes no sense just to keep pushing it off until they are older. Sixteen year olds are beginning to get too old to be chauffeured around by parents and guardians. They need to be allowed to drive themselves. Sixteen year olds are naturally capable in driving. They have better reflexes and reaction times which is a key aspect in driving. While not always the case, teens may have better eyesight, as they are younger (Journal of health and physiology, 2012). This shows that as far as the physical aspect in driving, sixteen year olds are naturally capable of the challenge.…

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    teenager. The legal driving age should be raised. At the ages of 16-17the risk of a fatal car crash is highest. The driving age should be raised because it would save lives and young people aren’t responsible enough. If the legal driving age was raised, lives would be saved. There would be a change in the amount of deaths if the age was raised. The article, “Raising The Driving Age To 18 Will Save Lives” states, around 6,000 teenage drivers are killed in car accidents each year. This statement…

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    may take advantage of this privilege, which proves a significant point that the driving age should be raised. The brain of a sixteen-year-old is simply not fully capable of comprehending the dangers of the road and weighing the consequences. “The executive branch of the teen brain—the part that weighs risks, makes judgements and controls impulsive behavior develops through the teenage years and isn’t fully mature until age 25” (Davis 247-248). They have not fully…

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    opportunities in life? If the minimum driving age is raised, teens will not learn vital skills that could benefit them later, such as independent living. Keeping the driving age lower allows teenagers to get job experiences that can benefit them throughout their whole lives. The minimum driving age in the United States is 16. This is because 16 years old is the age when most businesses start hiring workers. However, in other countries such as France, the minimum driving age is 17(ETSC,2023,p.1).…

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    every year from car accidents. Driving age should be raised to 21, No one should take their driving license before that. Rising the driving age for having the driving license will help in decreasing the number of car accidents. Teenagers are addicted to their phones and to any kind of technology, they use their phones while driving and they don’t know how dangerous it is on their life and other people life while driving. Because teenagers are not mature enough, May take their eyes of the road…

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    Should Teen Driving Age be Raised? “8,000 people were killed/involved in an accident by 15-20 year old drivers” according to . This has many parents asking if their teens should be driving so young. At what age should teens be allowed to drive, and what additional rules should apply? The age that teens start driving is very important because young teens are still growing and still maturing. Younger drivers tend to be more distracted and less cautious; showing that more likely to be…

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    The legal age to obtain a license is 16 years old. This is only after completing the drivers education required by the state in which the test will be held in and passing your permit test. For many this is an exciting time in a teens life, but do teens really understand what it means to have a license and drive? The driving age should be raised to 18 years of age with one year of practice from 17-18 years in order to ensure the teen is fully mature, allowing time to learn all the rules and…

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    to raise the driving age to eighteen. The driving age should not be raised. It should not be raised because sixteen is a good age to start driving. You're old enough to have an job at this age so you should be able to have a license to make sure you can be self reliant getting to work or anywhere else without relying on someone like parents or any other family members. You have all these stereotypes for teen drivers but that should not be the final view on all teens when it comes to driving.…

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    Automobile accidents continue to cause death of many teens, reaching an amount of nearly 40% of all teenage fatalities. The thought of changing the age a teenager drives has been argued and discussed over the years. Opposers to the idea say that teenagers should get their driver license as soon as possible while supporters say that it will decrease the amount of teen deaths caused by deadly car accidents. According to the article, “ Debate: Increasing the Driving Age” states that, “ Multiple…

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    minimum driving age from 16 to 18, people need to made aware of such problems. The age requirement should remain at 16 because teens need the driving experience, responsibility, and ability to get to work on their own. To begin, driving experience is much needed in today’s youth. It is taught in many driver’s education courses that teens are the highest percentage in crash statistics. Some believe that these statistics are the reason that the age requirement should be raised, but I must…

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