Being independent is an important skill to have. People who want …show more content…
Society all have the same rights so they should be able to use them. Teens that get into car accidents due to drinking and texting is their own personal choice. Thats not every teen choice when their out their driving so why should they make that stereotype for them. “MOST 16-YEAR-OLDS I KNOW ARE SAFE DRIVERS. A FEW PROBABLY ARE TOO IMMATURE TO DRIVE, BUT IT'S NOT FAIR TO PUNISH EVERY ONE OF THEM”(Rinaldo). They have a choice whether to do the right thing that they know they should be doing or they wrong thing which they know they shouldn't be doing. It's all an choice and you make one either good or bad. Every person that has an license is taking a risk when their driving whether you're a good driver or a bad driver. You may not even be texting or driving but you can still be at risk of getting into an car accident."There is some good news for 16-year-old drivers. The number of fatal crashes among kids their age has declined in the United States, dropping 26 percent between 1993 and 2003, reports the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.Allan Williams, of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, agrees — somewhat. "There is no magic age," he says. And his main tip for teen drivers is this: "Practice, practice, practice. The more experience you get in the learner stage before you get your license, the better.(Rinaldo) So study shows that teens …show more content…
They think that they shouldn't drive because of poor behavior and deadly consequences. Then you have others that believe teens should have the right to drive because their old enough and should be able to show that they're responsible enough and can be more independent. “Within about 15 years, by one economist's estimate, there will be more elderly drivers involved in crash fatalities than there are drunken-driving deaths (15,935) today.While there are rules and rituals for a 16-year-old to get a driver's license, there is little guidance for older Americans on when to quit driving. Yet only teenagers rival drivers 75 and older for piling up traffic fatalities per miles driven. In the past year” (Shapiro). Teens aren't who they should be worried about. they should be worried about elderly people because when you get older you start to forget stuff you get weaker and move at a slower pace. You're not able to do what you maybe was cable of at sixteen years old. Elderly drivers are more likely to get into an car accident than a younger driver. Another reason they believe teens should not drive is because of poor behavior. Everyone makes poor decisions but everyone has an choice to make it be a good one or bad one so their wrong for viewing them in such a way. No one can make you do anything you don't want to do,so when they say teens make poor decisions like drinking and driving or texting they made that decision on their own