Should Driving Age Be Raised

Improved Essays
Crash! That was the sound of a car accident caused by an irresponsible teenager. The legal driving age should be raised. At the ages of 16-17the risk of a fatal car crash is highest. The driving age should be raised because it would save lives and young people aren’t responsible enough.

If the legal driving age was raised, lives would be saved. There would be a change in the amount of deaths if the age was raised. The article, “Raising The Driving Age To 18 Will Save Lives” states, around 6,000 teenage drivers are killed in car accidents each year. This statement implies that a big amount of teenage drivers are killed in accidents each year. Also, the number of teens killed will only grow. According to the article, “Alexander Sostarecz: Raise driving age to 18 when teens are more responsible” says, if the driving age was raised to 18, roads would be safer and teenage death rates from car accidents would be lower. This means that raising the age would make the roads safer. The amount of car accidents would be lower because the age was raised.
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When driving, teenagers tend to not pay attention to what they are doing. The article, “Raising The Driving Age To 18 Will Save Lives” states, at 16, most teens aren’t as responsible as they should be and giving them the keys to a car could potentially be deadly. This statement implies that 16 year olds should not have the right to be driving. They aren’t responsible enough and letting them drive could result in a deadly accident. According to the article, “Alexander Sostarecz: Raise driving age to 18 when teens are more responsible” says, many teenagers use a cellphone to keep in contact with friends and tend to use it while driving. This statement shows an example of how teenagers are irresponsible. They are being very irresponsible by getting distracted, and it could cost theirs or someone else’s

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