Should Driving Age Be Lowered

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Should the Driving Age Be Lowered? Did you know that 71 percent of tweens have an interest in cars? Although they may be fascinated by the machines they cannot own or drive one of their own for around six more years. Why have them wait? If a 14-year-old teenager is able to pass all of the tests to be eligible to drive a car, why shouldn’t they be able to? Allowing teenagers to drive earlier in their lives will allow them to mature at an earlier age.

If a 14-year-old wanted to drive, could he or she pass the tests? Fourteen-year-olds, already take finals in high school and have been taking tests since they were 5 or 6. If they are competent and they want to work for it, why should they not be able to drive? You might find that height could be an issue, but the average height of a 14-year-old boy is 5 foot 4 and a 14-year-old girl is on average 5 foot 2,
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There are teens at the age of eighteen who have their license and can drive their friends around but lack experience. If kids are driving by themselves for an extra year, then they will be more responsible at the age of eighteen when they drive with others. With this inexperience, they have a crash rate higher than any other age group. If teens start earlier and drive more before they are free to drive their friends' places teens should lower the number of accidents they have on the road a substantial amount.

Teens should be able to drive at a younger age because it can help them be more responsible. This will allow them to be more skilled at driving so when they turn 18 they can be trusted with others. They will still have to pass the tests and clock hours for their permit so if they are not ready to drive it will be seen in their tests. If we want this to happen we need the current teens driving to be more responsible so the driving age might be lowered because teens are seen as more

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