For any number of reasons, you, and other Floridians, may have your driving privileges suspended. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, there were more than 1.8 million driver’s license suspensions across the state between 2011 and 2012. In order to help maintain your right to drive in the state of Florida, it is important for you to understand what offenses could result in a driver’s license suspension. One of the most common reasons why your driving privileges might be suspended is the point system. If ticketed for speeding and certain moving violations, you will have points assessed to your driver’s license. Should you incur 12 points on your license within a 12-month period, your license will be suspended…
A driver's license is an authorization given to state residents in order to operate a vehicle, but, this privilege comes with requirements. Having a driver's license becomes controversial in the U.S. because of the illegal immigrants who are driving without a driver's license. The United States remains the country with the largest population driving without a license because they do not meet the requirements. For instance, Massachusetts gives a list of acceptable documents for proof of…
Getting my driver’s license was an accomplishment of my own and I’m proud to say that I accomplished my goal. When I was 17 I got my license and there were many obstacles I faced during the process of getting my permit and then later on getting my license. The first step I had to take was being enrolled in a student driver’s course where I had to complete 30 hours of classroom instruction and 8 hours of behind-the-wheel instruction. (“Louisiana Teen Drivers Guide”) The law in the state of…
How to get a driver’s license in Jordan Getting a driving license is one of the most major landmarks in someone’s life. Some people may feel freedom and independence once they get a driving license; they no longer have to ask for rides or take public transportation, and they have the ability to go to wherever they want whenever they want to. The process of getting a driver’s license can vary between different countries; this essay will explain for getting a driving license in the Hashemite…
Many deadly wrecks occur on a daily basis in America. Many are caused from careless driving; of those cases many drivers are sixteen years old. Sixteen year olds should be issued a limited privilege driver’s license due to real world lack of experience with driving and overall immaturity in the age group of sixteen. Likewise, great irresponsibility is closely associated with the individuals at the age of sixteen in reference to peer pressure. A limited driver’s license should be distributed to…
Teenagers should be able to receive their driver's license by the age of 17 in my opinion. There are levels that they have to meet to obtain one. For instance going to classes also passing them, getting the permit, then taking the actual test. Everyone should be treated equally, even with driving laws. In the Newspaper Article, “Making Driving a Federal Matter” by Laine Picker talks about, how congress is passing bills to allow teenagers to obtain their…
Requiring a person to earn a high school diploma before he or she could receive a driver’s license would be a disadvantage to them. In many situations, it would be less complicated if they didn't have to keep depending on others than taking action. There are many benefits, opportunities and life skills that students could lose to if the state legislature pass a bill that would require them to earn a high school diploma before they could receive a driver’s license. During the high school years of…
Everyone has certain events in their life that they believe marks their passing into adulthood. Some aren’t remembered, like the first steps, first words, or becoming potty trained. Others are in the back of one’s mind, like the first day of highschool, college, or a new job. Even more are personal, like the first kiss, first girl or boyfriend, when one got married. One very recent hurdle I jumped to reach the goal of life was to get my driver’s license, but first I had to pass the dreaded…
drive to work every weekend. Being able to drive saves everyone time. Driving is a privilege that citizens of the United States can do. Driving is something that many people take advantage of. Being able to drive makes getting to a place a lot faster and easier than walking or even riding a bike. Because driving is a privilege, individuals can lose their privilege of driving. However, elderly people should not be excluded from having a driver’s license because of their age if they pass the…
A high-school student, Michael Schoenfeld, and five of his friends left school to have some fun. Instead, Schoenfeld drove only half a mile, and sped on a busy highway. Then he collided into another driver. Two of his classmates on the left passenger side and the truck driver died. Schoenfeld had received his driver’s license only two weeks before the crash. This teen’s reckless driving and immaturity killed three people (“Teen Driving”). Teens should not receive their driver’s license until the…