Explain Why Teenagers Should Be Able To Obtain A Driver's License

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Teenagers should be able to receive their driver's license by the age of 17 in my opinion. There are levels that they have to meet to obtain one. For instance going to classes also passing them, getting the permit, then taking the actual test. Everyone should be treated equally, even with driving laws. In the Newspaper Article, “Making Driving a Federal Matter” by Laine Picker talks about, how congress is passing bills to allow teenagers to obtain their driving license at the age of 16-17 years of age. For example in the article Laine Picker states, “The bills establish three main requirements: a sixteen-year-old minimum age for acquiring a learner’s permit, a graduated license, and an eighteen-year-old minimum age for acquiring an unrestricted driver's license.” I agree all the way with the author has stated. Teenagers must have the qualifications to deserve a license. …show more content…
For example, Laura Marsh stated, “ The task of driving teenagers to part-time jobs, after school activities, and dates and other social activities will fall onto the parents’ shoulders.” With this being said, it is actually truth parents have a lot on their shoulders from working long hours they just want to go home and sleep. Teens have more energy than adults they need their drivers license so they won't rely on parents for everything. Marsh also states, “ Some of these youngsters have been driving farm equipment since they were twelve years old. The idea that they can drive for chores but not for fun frustrates them.” I can understand completely what they are going through, driving because you have to so you won't get in trouble but you can’t just to go hang out for a couple of hours with friends is hurtful. Teens just want to feel free without worrying about

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