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    More than 5,00 U.S. teens die every year in car crashes, the number one killer of that age group. People are trying to decide: should the driving age be changed to 18 instead of 16? Countless people believe that yes, those teenagers are not capable of taking on that responsibility. Most, however, have the right idea. 16-year-olds should drive as parents should not need to chauffeur their kids around, and it'll only cause the problem to be given to the 18-year-olds. Graduated licensing is a much better option to supply youth with superior driving skills before being set on their own. For starters, changing the driving age would be difficult for both teenagers and parents as both lead busy lives. In "States Urged to Raise the Driving Age," it says that plenty parents agree that learning to drive is a piece of growing up, and they enjoy not having to chauffeur their children to school and anywhere else they might be headed. Nearly all of the time both parents have jobs and don't have time to drive their kids around everywhere.…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Growing up most kids can’t wait until they turn sixteen so they can get their driver license. It’s even a dream to most teens and to take that away would be a world of terror. After reading both articles “Should the Driving Age Be Raised to 18?” and “Do Teens Need Graduated Licenses?” I can explain the different opinions on why teens shouldn’t get a license or drive at sixteen and if teens should go though a program called “Graduated Driver License” to keep lives safe and reduce car accidents…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Legal Driving Age

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    For many teenagers obtaining their driver’s license is the first initial step of becoming an adult, but while having their license, do these teenagers drive responsibly? Many political and public figures question the ability to drive at the age of 16 causing many of these figures to wonder if the minimum driving age should be changed from 16 to 18. Statistics have shown one of every five 16-year-olds will be in a severe motor vehicle crash within two years of getting their license and that…

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    Improved Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Students reckless driving records has increased higher each year. The driving age is sixteen. By raising it to a higher age will be more convenient for adults.Today teenagers have an attitude and road rage. By raising the driving age Students can be more experienced, safer and less people on the road, and be more mature. First off by raising the driving rate students can get more experienced. By having more experience there will be less teenager accidents, and lower the drunk driving rate.…

    • 330 Words
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    Decent Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Raising Driving Age

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    I believe that raising the driving age limit would hinder our young teens. For most they depend on getting their license at their age for several of reasons. This will make it to where they have the freedom to go as they please and have that freedom. While some young teens do not care if it is raised cause either way they still get to drive. Some adults say, that in raising the driving age will make it to where their will be less accidents on the road; however, that might be true to some degree…

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    Improved Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Some people believe that the driving age should remain sixteen instead of being raised to eighteen. Many adults would agree that the driving age should remain the same age at sixteen. However, others say that the driving age should be raised to eighteen instead of sixteen. I believe that the driving age should be raised to eighteen because eighteen year olds are more responsible, eighteen year olds brains are more developed than a sixteen year old, and eighteen year olds are at less of a risk…

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    Decent Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Have you ever drove with your parent? Was it fun to steer the wheel or park the car? Have you ever wanted to drive on your own car without someone controlling the brake and gas pedal? If you answered yes to any of these questions you should get your driver’s license. Did you know you could get your license at the age of fifteen? Sounds awesome, right? Many people argue that the driving age is too young so they think that it should be changed. Do you think it should or should not be changed? This…

    • 432 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Raising Driving Age

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    Is the driving age for teens too young? Should the teen driving age be raised? Based on many studies and statistics, raising the driving age for teens is a valid argument. An auto safety group is calling on states to raise the age of eligibility to receive a driver's license to 17 or even 18, as they are attempting to prevent fatal accidents and preserve the lives of our adolescents. There are countless car accidents, injuries, and lives lost on a daily basis. “More than 5,000 U.S. teens…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    To some raising the driving age is said to be saving lives, and to other it’s not. A debate has currently been going on of weather teen driving age should be raised. As well as its differences between 16-year-old and 18 years old and the crashes that occur between the two. The minimum driving age should not be raised because crashes that they thought they were preventing are occurring two years later. Dr. Masten from informational article states, “In facts 75 percent of fatal crashes we thought…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    A common debate held between legislators is that of raising the age for legal driving from sixteen to eighteen. This argument is so familiar due to some people speculating that it will solve the problem of motor vehicle deaths in teenagers. Which is a prevalent cause of death among thirteen through nineteen year olds. There has been serious deliberation between the two sides, and the conclusion is that congress should let the legal driving age persist to be sixteen. Through equitable…

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