1. In my opinion, if you want your audience to stay focused on your presentation than theater theory should take top priority when preparing. If a meeting or presentation has dim lights and low tone atmosphere, the audience will appear lethargic and uninterested. If you take that same meeting or presentation with bright lights and loud music the audience will be the complete opposite and present high energy and enthusiasm. If the presenter shows passion and excitement the audience will adhere with eagerness to listen. The presenter should engage the audience within their presentation or speech this will allow the audience to feel as if they are part of the presentation. The video makes several valid and relevant points regarding lighting and…
The process of doing an audience analysis involves being able to identifying and adapt in order to able to present the information to an audience properly (Adler, Rodman, & du Pre, 2014). In understanding the audience a speaker has a better awareness of how to approach the subject without alienating them. Being able to adapt to the environment allows for a better way for the speech to reach the audience. Also allows for the speaker to decide in what form they wish to present the information.…
All great pieces of writing consist of the same three rhetorical elements: Logos, Pathos and Ethos. They are strategically used to persuade the audience to believe something they hadn’t before. Michael T. Klare effectively practices these methods in his 2012 article, The Coming Hunger Wars: Heat, Drought, Rising Food Costs, and Global Unrest, to hook his reader and to coax them into viewing his topic differently. He exploits experienced sources, hard facts and fear driven emotions to inform his…
On October 24, 2015 I went to see the musical comedy, The Boy Friend which was directed by Susan Cato-Chapman. It was produced by the Fairmont State University Department of Theatre and Communication and Town and Gown Theatre. The musical comedy starts at Madame Dubonnet’s School for Young Ladies where the four main young girls and Polly are discussing Polly’s made-up boyfriend. The girls are excited for the upcoming Carnival Ball for which all of the girls, aside from Polly, have dates.…
If we identify the movement behind the scenes we develop an understanding to how media is carefully curated for each audience. Individuals such as directors and screenwriters etc. make decisions regarding the elements presented in order to aid the audience in understand that particular character presented and the elements that make them who they are. It is these attachments of elements; it is these elements that the audience remembers. In the GoPro advertisement these same decisions are made to…
In order to reach out to the audience the writer must appeal to their readers. This means the writer must know their audiences… demographics. Jackson wrote her article for people of various ages and backgrounds. She used pathos in her article to play off of her audience emotions. In the article Jackson states,” …there was one event that everyone seemed to have gone through in one way or another (Jackson 132).” This particular excerpt from the article is an example of how Jackson relied on the…
Spielberg Special Scenes Steven Spielberg defined several generations using his talent in directing. He turned okay movies into huge box office hits that the world still watch decades later. He is skilled in triggering emotions in his audiences that keep them enthralled in what he puts on the screen. When someone has seen some of his movies they know he has a certain style. In his films, Steven Spielberg uses soft lighting to provoke tension, wide angles to inspire fear, and music to induce…
the third paper was a cultural context analysis, and the final paper we wrote this fall was a literacy narrative. In each of these papers, I have learned key tips and other beneficial concepts to make myself a better writer in the future. Out of all of the things I have learned this semester, the three most important things I will take away are, the organization of different types of papers, understanding the audience you are trying to write to, and last but not least learning how to convey the…
and easy to interpret words in a given speech. It is known that a good speech is one that is written at an eighth grade level. Dr. Jarvis mentioned in referenced to two speeches given by two very influential people, and the main and most important difference was the grade level that the speech was written at. Steve Jobs, in his keynote, was able to successfully engage the audience by using simple words and short sentences. His calculated grade level was an 8.2, compared to Bill Gates whose…
Today in modern society, the right of free speech is generally regarded as an entitlement an individual has. However, this particular entitlement, which is rooted in deep-seated beliefs that anyone is qualified to emphasize anything they please, can often cause friction and overall conflict on many levels. In most cases, the use of language in mediums such as radio, television, and books are restricted by censorship to a certain extent for a variety of reasons. The central reason is mainly…