Augmentative and alternative communication

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    Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Systems are just one of the many things that allow for people with differences to be able to communicate with others in a different way. According to ASHA, AAC is a way to "compensate for temporary or permanent impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions of individuals with severe disorders of speech-language production and or/comprehension, including spoken and written modes of communication" (ASHA, 2005a). While not everyone is a candidate for AAC, there is a way to decide if someone is or is not and the right device for the person too. Janice Light’s Framework for AAC (1998, 2000, 2003) is a wonderful way to assess whether someone is fit to use an augmentative and alternative…

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    Augmentative and Alternative Communication, or AAC, is a major method of treatment for aphasia. This treatment allows the individual with aphasia to be a conversation partner and engage in communication that may have been limited before treatment. It is crucial with aphasia to begin fostering communication through AAC very early on in the treatment process. These AAC devices can include low-technology device or high-technology devices (Fried-Oken, Beukelman, & Hux, 2011). One type of AAC…

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    Question 1: Flores, M., Musgrove, K., Renner, S., Hinton, V., Strozier, S., Franklin, S., & Hil, D. (2012). A comparison of communication using the Apple iPad and a picture-based system. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 28(2), 74-84. I found this article by performing a search on Google scholar. The article is available for download on Taylor and Francis Online. The search terms that I used were “study” “iPad” “teaching” “disability” and “using”. I chose this article because…

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  • Improved Essays

    Field Observation Paper

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    On September 22, 2016, I completed my field placement observation in a middle school classroom located at The Day School. The heterogeneous group of students that made up the classroom have significant cognitive weaknesses in general learning abilities, functional communication, fine and gross motor skills, social skills, self-care, sensory, and physical development. In addition to their intellectual disabilities, many students in the classroom suffered with health care problems, including…

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    The student requires supervision and 1:1 assistance during transfers, personal care activities and toileting, activities of daily living, dressing, and meal set up and clean up. Although the student speaks with decreased volume and poor articulation, she is able to communicate basic wants and needs verbally. Additionally, she uses an augmentative communication device (AAC) to supplement language and increase functional communication. The student needs additional time to access the pages on…

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    Assist One

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    ASSIST ONE (Chaitanya Madduru, Harini Musunuru, Neelima Potluri) Abstract Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) means communicating through gestures, signs or any form of communication excluding speech. This type of communication aids people who are suffering from speech disorders. Assist One is an android based application that enables augmentative and alternative form of communication especially for children suffering from autism, cerebral palsy and many various types of speech…

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    Etiology Of ALS Essay

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    remains unknown; however, there appears to be an existing genetic component associated with this disease. Changes in speech are first seen in patients with bulbar onset ALS. Mixed dysarthria, characterized by a combination of spastic and flaccid features, is generally seen in this population. Regarding communication, people with ALS exhibit a weakened oral musculature and experience atrophy in the tongue and lips, which results in imprecise articulation and reduced intelligibility as the disease…

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  • Improved Essays

    class rooms there are several proficient ways of communication. The children have different ways of communicating with the teacher and vice versa. I am going to talk about the different approaches as a teacher you can make to improve the quality of the way you communicate with the children in your special education classroom. Being in a special education classroom all thought out my high school senior year I was able to see different ways the teacher and aids were communicating with the…

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  • Improved Essays

    receiving a thorough Functional Behavioral Analysis (FBA) to fully identify the function and maintenance of her unwanted behaviors. The evaluation should take place over the course of multiple days, settings, and interaction environments. The purpose of the evaluation is to better understand the antecedents and consequences of XX’s unwanted behaviors. After identification, her IEP and intervention plans can be updated accordingly with a new, targeted behavior plan. In regard to recommendations…

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  • Decent Essays

    This five-month exploratory qualitative study using the My Voice IOS application in special education classes in two Toronto secondary schools sought to assess the degree of attention student pay to their work, motivation levels of students with special needs to use this technology and identify factors that have the greatest influence on integrating technology in to the curriculum. My Voice is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app for students with memory and communication…

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