Looking for Alibrandi Essay

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    Looking for Alibrandi is a novel that originally published by the author Melina Marchetta in 1992 with young adult and bildungsroman genre. It's a story of a girl who is in her final year at school, brought up with an Italian background. Suddenly discovering the truth of her life, the truth of her family's secrets upbringing, falling in love and having to deal with her mother and Nonna's daunting and her father who she never saw until now all coming over to her life is just unbelievable. Looking for Alibrandi highlights the cultural differences in Australia, especially with family life. Having a primary social group family, it affects strongly to our lives, although we never care about anything that relates to social groups. To have such an expanded family is a wonderful thing; however, Josie struggles to recognise herself as a part of her clan. I like the relationship between Christina and Josie; it's the true love between a mother and her daughter no matter what. It's really hard to see that Nonna can't get along with Josie and Josie can't get along with Nonna. Obviously, it's embarrassing and such a pain to live with. Can you even imagine after having a long day and not even fully entered the house but starting an argument standing right in front of the door for just a simple thing?. Like having a messy hair after coming home from school? Who…

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    ‘Looking for Alibrandi’ Oral Presentation Good morning ladies and gentleman, today I would like to talk about the relationships between parents and children. There’s no doubt that our parents can have a significant impact during different periods of time in our lives. From the first word we spoke to the very first step we took, our parents have taught, helped and influenced us in different kinds of way. Many people think that the bond between parents and children weakens as the children grow…

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    Essay: The film ‘Looking for Alibrandi' traces Josephine's Higher School Certificate year. Select four people and/or events from Josephine's final year and discuss how these people or events changed Josephine's perspective.…

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    “Our culture, our traditions, our language are the foundations upon which we build our identity.” Culture has a huge influence in shaping a person’s identity, it also contributes to how a person will think, behave and views the world. And in the novel “Looking for Alibrandi” by Melina Marchetta, the protagonist Josephine Alibrandi goes through a journey of self-discovery as she struggles to come to terms with her culture. However, ultimately Josie and the reader both realise that her identity is…

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    “…like religion culture is nailed into you so deep you can’t escape it.” (p.175) In Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta, we get to look into the life of Josephine Alibrandi. She is a stereotypical teenage girl with mood swings and trying to find who she is as a person. She is stuck between her Italian heritage and Aussie life. She thinks that her Italian culture will be affected by Australian life. Josie is trying to find where she belongs in the different cultures. Josie's personal…

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    The novel, ‘Looking For Alibrandi’, explores important ideas through a cleverly crafted narrative. The book discusses these themes using a range of different techniques to get us as readers to connect with the main character. Some of the themes raised are; teen depression/suicide, social expectations, multiculturalism, growing up, racism, identity and belonging, peer pressure, adversity, and family. We explore these themes as a young teenage girl, named Josephine, who has Italian heritage and…

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  • Improved Essays

    or is to use your hands to be respect and enhance the freedom of others? Before I finish reading the book “Looking for Alibrandi”, I may believe that get out of one’s control is the meaning of to be free. However, when I finish reading the book, I started wondering, living in a way of respects and enhances the freedom of others is the truly meaning of “to be free”. Therefore, I agree with Nelson Mandela’s quote, “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that…

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  • Improved Essays

    Looking For Alibrandi Novel Essay – Leonardo Cufone Looking For Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta is about a seventeen year old girl called Josie Alibrandi. She was born in Australia, and has an Italian background. She is in her last year of high school at St Martha’s High School, where she has a scholarship. Throughout the novel, she learns about her family’s history, relationships, the importance of hard work and emancipation. Some of the key themes of the novel are family and relationships,…

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  • Improved Essays

    Identity is strongly influenced by peer and family relationships In the novels Looking for Alibrandi and Wonder, protagonists Josephine Alibrandi and August Pullman’s sense of self is influenced by the people they form relationships with. Both Josie and August feel that they look different to their peer’s which distances them from their societies. Their eagerness to fit in is shown by the need to control the things that they have power over in their lives such as dress and “image”. Family life…

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  • Improved Essays

    The novel ‘Looking for Alibrandi’ by Melinda Marchette is all about Josephine Alibrandi searching to achieve her ‘emancipation’ from her family and cultural heritage. In this essay, I will write about what Josie learns about her family, friends and cultural background, what she learns about herself through the year and how this helps her to achieve her ‘emancipation’. Josie lives at home with her single Mum Christina. Christina had Josie when she was 17. Josie’s father moved to Adelaide after…

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