Descriptive Writing Essays

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  • Improved Essays

    9/11 Descriptive Writing

    • 717 Words
    • 3 Pages

    displayed on 9/11. To bring across the message writing styles such as descriptive sentences, diction, pathos, and ethos are used. Initially, descriptive sentences were used to develop Burke’s piece. Descriptive sentences include immense detail to help develop the piece. One example of descriptive is “Now injured and bloodied, the four office workers climbed out from beneath the debris”. This excerpt displays descriptiveness with “Now injured and bloodied” it makes it so the audience can picture four adults battered, bruised, and cut up climbing towards safety. One can picture ruble and a mess of clutter around them as they “climbed out from beneath the debris”. To illustrate, descriptive writing is “breathing dust, they gazed about in the pitch of darkness”. With this, the audience can picture someone gasping for air reaching around helplessly trying to feel for a way out in the darkness. Due to the author’s use of descriptive writing, the audience is…

    • 717 Words
    • 3 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Band Descriptive Writing

    • 590 Words
    • 3 Pages

    This is the last set, this is the last set. I stand in the blistering sun with the rest of the marching band on the last day of band camp. Everyone is hot and sweaty as a beaming ray of sun hits our skin. We all have shorts, a tank top, a hat, and a pinning on. I stare at everybody and see them slouched over and eyes drooping like a beagles ears. My sneaker softly touch the concrete ground of the parking lot football field. I snap into focus when I hear a shout at the top of a metal structure.…

    • 590 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    By: Eastlyn Koons After re-reading all of the previous stories, I picked the story that had what I thought, the best examples of descriptive writing. Putting all these thoughts in account, I chose“The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst. All throughout the story, there is so much description. The first page is a great example. I do not have enough space to put down the whole entire first page but I can give examples. Examples such as, “The flower garden is prim, the house a gleaming white, and the…

    • 298 Words
    • 2 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    We drove to the location of the bus as the sun was on its daily rise. The feeling of tiredness was not present due to the overwhelming feeling of excitement. The moment was finally here. When we arrived, everything seemed to move slower, but I soon realized it was the anticipation and caffeine that kept me from falling asleep. We took my sleeping bag, my bag of clothes, and my backpack out of the trunk. My father and my sister, Stephanie, were there to goodbye and as I was heading on the bus…

    • 743 Words
    • 3 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Superior Essays

    Bike Descriptive Writing

    • 1661 Words
    • 7 Pages

    My knees are shaking, feeling like they are about to collapse. I’m not sure if my heart is pounding because I am nervous or excited. I swear my eardrums are about to burst from the screaming and cheering from the crowd. My right leg is beginning to cramp from holding my bike up while sitting in one place for the last 20 minutes. As the big, metal gates slowly open, I balance myself back on my bike and begin to slowly petal forward. The crowd of what it seemed like a thousand people, along with…

    • 1661 Words
    • 7 Pages
    Superior Essays
  • Great Essays

    School Descriptive Writing

    • 1119 Words
    • 4 Pages

    Grateful My grandpa has always told me how lucky I am to be able to attend such a great school. It never came to mind why he would always say that to me when I brought up school. It wasn’t until I really saw what it meant to attend a good school and live in a nice home. I never thought of the importance of being employed or what happens when your parents aren’t able to provide for you. I never realized how to be thankful for my life until that day. I woke up early and put on my pink skirt…

    • 1119 Words
    • 4 Pages
    Great Essays
  • Improved Essays

    I hear a small buzzing as a small black insect whirls around my head twice then glides over to the smooth blue wall. No bigger than a pea, my companion is a dark fly who must have breezed in through my open window on the soft April winds. As my glance meanders from my blank computer screen to my new friend I slowly make a realization and a small smile forms on the corner of my lips. That seemingly insignificant bug and I have a lot in common. I too was once but a fly on the wall. Upon entering…

    • 831 Words
    • 4 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Thief Descriptive Writing

    • 440 Words
    • 2 Pages

    Every family has a place that they like to go every year, and my families place is Ontario, Canada. We drove and drove and drove and drove and drove for days! Well, actually it was only fourteen hours, but it felt like eternity. We stayed at a place called Stanley’s Resort and everyone there was very friendly and would make an effort to get to know you. We went with my grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, and my parents and siblings. At the resort, we stayed in a gorgeous cabin and near our…

    • 440 Words
    • 2 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Great Essays

    Otters Descriptive Writing

    • 1133 Words
    • 5 Pages

    An Unforgettable Summer One summer day at Lake Lagoon, California. Six teens arrived to their summer camp cabin. Their names are Jayden, Andy, AJ, Monique, Rebecca, and Alicia. Jayden was tall, brown hair, athletic, tan skin and muscular. Andy is a surfer with blonde hair and blue eyes. AJ is dark skinned, funny, has dark eyes and buff. Monique is dark skinned, tall, great figured and has curly hair. Rebecca has blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and fit body. Lastly, Alicia has black hair, fit body…

    • 1133 Words
    • 5 Pages
    Great Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Ride Descriptive Writing

    • 461 Words
    • 2 Pages

    Everyone is ready for the ride to start. There was excitement painted on all of our faces on the ride. My hands grip onto the bars tightly as I get this look written all over my face. The ride starts its sways side to side and I can't smell the fair food the sweet smell of funnel cake was gone in a blink. I close eyes as I hear people screaming with excitement. we sway side to side fast. We didn’t stop my face was painted with a smile. The ride hasn’t slowed down and my my eyes are shut all I…

    • 461 Words
    • 2 Pages
    Decent Essays
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