Marijuana kills your drive. Do not lose in the game of life. Many people support the legalization of marijuana, but that is because they do not understand all of the harmful side effects it causes and all of the statistics to prove it. Marijuana should not be legalized because it is not beneficial. If legalized, it will prompt more unneeded use from all ages. There are many side effects of marijuana abuse. First, marijuana increases the risk of psychosis-a severe mental disorder in which thoughts and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality. Psychosis includes severe anxiety, depression, and suicidal tendencies. Second, marijuana causes an increase in the development of certain cancers and does not help much in treating certain conditions such as glaucoma-a condition of increased pressure within the eyeball, causing gradual loss of sight. Last, using marijuana can cause chronic mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia. Psychoactive side effects include, but are not limited to, hallucinations, memory loss, and confusion.…
Annually 100 people die from peanuts. So far, no deaths have been recorded directly due to marijuana. Yet peanuts are legal, and marijuana is not. This begs the question: should marijuana be legalized? Contrary to popular opinion, Marijuana has many health perks, pecuniary benefits, and would rid America of much of the black market and thus much crime. In a studied experiment with rats, cannabis(the technical term for marijuana) boosted andandimide levels appearing to protect the rats from…
The major topic of debate in the United States is not only who is going to be elected as the next president, but also marijuana legalization. As one of the most controversial topics of this time, the legalization of the currently illegal drug has raised many questions. Why should it be legalized? What might happen if it is legalized? Who will be affected by the legalization? How will it affect the country as a whole? As these questions have been discussed, another more pressing question has…
Marijuana There are many ways to use marijuana. People don't realize how much marijuana can benefit people.It can help people with medical problems, the government can earn extra money by taxing it and for recreational use. This is why marijuana should be legalised. Marijuana should be legalized in Michigan because we should tax it and Michigan can get some extra money. In the latest Michigan Radio Poll, 56% of Michiganders thought the state should legalize and tax it ("DEBATE: Should…
complying to public pressure to legalize the sale and use of recreational marijuana, it must be questioned whether it benefits the general population and should continue to the whole nation, or if states should retract the legalization of the use of marijuana. Many people who are for the legalization of recreational marijuana feel that the laws against its sale and use are out of date and misaligned. However, those who are against the legalization of recreational marijuana feel that it is…
Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized Why should Americans fight to legalize marijuana in all states? Marijuana has been around for many years alongside other illegal drugs that are not viable to ones ' health. But evidence does prove that cancer patients use it to cope with severe pain; when other pain killers are not quite effective anymore. Marijuana should not stay illegal and should be banned for good, even in states that have legalized this drug. The federal government has legalized it and…
for both the legalization of Marijuana and for the opposing side of this as well. But Marijuana should most definitely not be legalized in the United States. People say that some of the reasons for not legalizing this drug could be that it is a gateway drug or that people will misuse the drug when legalized just as alcohol is. The New Health Advisor gives a list of 10 reasonable reasons why the legalization of marijuana should not be legalised. One, it will damage a person’s health. Two,…
Marijuana The legalization of Marijuana for recreation or medical usage has been a long argument for a long time. Many states have and are thinking about allowing a bill to be passed for allowing the use of medical marijuana purposes. There is one state that has made it legal for all use and that is the state of Colorado. To legalize marijuana in states for medical purposes could be one of the best things for people in the United States. To use marijuana for medical reason would be a lot less…
For many years there has been discussion questioning if medical marijuana should be legalized in America. In the United States, only 28 out of the 50 states have legalized marijuana for medical use. Medical marijuana has been tested upon in scientific experiments for many years to research its benefits medically. The cannabis has been proven to relieve pain from illness as well as improving the mental state of those suffering depression and anxiety. Legalizing medical marijuana would not only…
illegal via marijuana when you're young curious kids are tagging along right next to you. Every day this will happen on the streets of Las Vegas if we legalize it. Marijuana should not be legalized because of the terrible effects of the drug, the terrible environment the kids would have to grow up in, and the drug decimates many people's lives. Therefore marijuana should not be legalized. Furthermore one reason why marijuana should not be legalized is the effects of the drug both later on in…