The use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSARIs) in the psychopharmacological approach to managing depressive and other related conditions, presents a huge moral problem for the corporate model of medicine and pharmaceutical usage .The Pharma industry are morally obliged to provide correct and updated information on the efficacy of these drugs I'm pumping on this child, there is a huge disconnect on information pertaining efficacy and side effect and the real importance of these drugs, personally I believe the drugs subjects the patient to more problem due to inherent suicidal tendencies of the drugs, with this in mind, it will present a conflict between my beliefs and ethical use of pharmaceuticals and hence will impact on the…
The exact function of SSRIs is still unknown. SSRIs are alleged to increase the extracellular level of the neurotransmitter serotonin by limiting its reabsorption into the presynaptic cell, as they increase the level of serotonin in the synaptic cleft available to bind to the postsynaptic receptor. This effect increases the levels of serotonin in the synapses. (Pinel, 2014) Most commonly prescribed SSRIs include: Paroxetine (Paxil), Setraline (Zoloft), Escitaloproam (Lexapro), Fluoxetine…
In the article, “Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors And Risk of Suicide: A Systematic Review of Observational Studies” is a research about the link between selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and the suicide rate. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) are class of antidepressant drugs on which many debates and research have taken place over the years and yet now there is no definite conclusion. In this peer-reviewed research, not only SSRI drugs were used, but also other…
ABSTRACT This paper explains the psychological disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (also known as OCD). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is the repetitive thoughts and behaviors that the patient is unable to control themselves from doing, conducting certain habits that affect their way of life. This documentation condenses information on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The symptoms are explained thoroughly in this paper, as also the treatment for this specific disorder. A case study is also…
regarding the complexities of the human brain. However, the monoamine theory, hypothesizes that a predisposition to depression can occur in individuals whose serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine have been depleted (Bunney & Davis 1965; Delgado 2000; Hirschfield 2000) Serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine are neurotransmitters responsible for regulating mood, focus and motivation by carrying chemical signals from one part of the brain to another, however, in depressed patients, these signals…
Anti-depressants There are many types of anti-depressants available. Each type, family or class has its own method of helping depression. Within the classes, each drug is slightly different. There are side-effects and warnings common to each class of antidepressants, and many of the individual drugs have additional side-effects or warnings as well. Let's take a closer look at each family of anti-depressants, starting with the one most people have heard about. SSRIs: SSRI stands for…
and in USA antidepressants are the third most common prescribed drug. It is a problem that appears to be on the rise. However, a lot about the function of antidepressants and why they seem to be working better in some individuals still remains unknown. Some data actually suggests that antidepressants works as good as taking a sugar pill. A meta-analysis (2010) were six separate studies were analysed to compare the effectiveness of antidepressants indicated that patients with mild and moderate…
the chemicals serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are the neurotransmitters…
suffered from depression tend to have an emotional flooding. The monoamine hypothesis was first introduced during the 1950s and researchers found that the level of serotonin in the brain might be related to the etiology of mood disorders (Hirschfeld, 2000). Over more than three…
If someone is lacking the necessary amount of serotonin needed, they can start having serious health conditions. The person will experience sleeplessness, have possible panic attacks, and depression. If the person is unable to sleep their body will not rest and will therefore cause heart problems. If a person experiences panic attacks the stress of the attack will also affect the heart. The heart will in turn cause the kidneys to malfunction causing weight retention which will contribute to even…