The referee blew his whistle and threw the ball in the air. Our center tipped it directly to me. I caught the ball then suddenly the roaring cheers seemed to slow down, the many thoughts clouding my head started to clear, and my excessively beating heart began to decelerate to the perfect rate. I was truly ready to play the game of my life. I passed the ball to our point guard and got in my position. Immediately as I got in my spot I got the ball back. “Make a move!” yelled my coach. I looked into the eyes of the defender guarding me, then without hesitation, I drove in left, past the defense and laid it the basket for two easy points. At that moment I realized that this simple move was the key to our success. Suddenly possession after possession, I would call for the ball then drive in left to score. I made over fourteen points with this simple
The referee blew his whistle and threw the ball in the air. Our center tipped it directly to me. I caught the ball then suddenly the roaring cheers seemed to slow down, the many thoughts clouding my head started to clear, and my excessively beating heart began to decelerate to the perfect rate. I was truly ready to play the game of my life. I passed the ball to our point guard and got in my position. Immediately as I got in my spot I got the ball back. “Make a move!” yelled my coach. I looked into the eyes of the defender guarding me, then without hesitation, I drove in left, past the defense and laid it the basket for two easy points. At that moment I realized that this simple move was the key to our success. Suddenly possession after possession, I would call for the ball then drive in left to score. I made over fourteen points with this simple