Night Reflection Essay

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Published in 1958, Elie Wiesel’s piece of literature, Night, describes his experiences surviving torturous concentration camps which eventually altered his life. Wiesel felt bound by his surroundings, but overcame his trials to create a hopeful, promising future. In the same way, today’s society becomes overwhelmed by devastating events that transform into something advantageous for their being. While these occurrences are ultimately beneficial, enduring major knee surgery and imprisonment overcame Wiesel and myself physically and emotionally.
On February 8, 2016, throughout an extremely aggressive basketball game, my life drastically changed. After three strenuous quarters, my team was losing by five points and needed a miraculous win over
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Uncertain, the trainer performed various examinations, but concluded it was only a severe sprain; I would be playing again in a week. I was unable to apply pressure on my right side; therefore, crutches and wheelchairs were my only forms of mobilization. For the next four days, the only place I could reside was my bed, and I was unable to perform simple household activities and fulfill my daily routine independently. Although I presumed the circumstances would return to normal instantly, after my doctor’s appointment, they appeared to do the exact …show more content…
In the same way, Wiesel displays in Night how he was held back physically by the gates of the concentration camps and restraints placed on him by the guards and officers. He was not allowed to live life freely and could only go where the Germans directed him to. From the time the Germans forced the Jews into ghettos until the day of liberation, they dictated what they were allowed to do and where they could travel; Jews were forbidden to own any valuables, such as gold and jewelry, travel by train, attend church, and were forced to wear a golden star. Once arriving in the guarded camp grounds, inmates were forced to give the officers all of their clothes and possessions and follow the Germans orders. When Wiesel states “At the gate, the sign proclaimed that work meant freedom” (46), readers are enabled to see that the prisoners were not only locked in but forced to choose labor or death. Just as animals are used for humans’ entertainment in zoos, the Jewish prisoners and minorities were contained for Hitler’s

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