Throughout the years many historians have argued over the some aspects of the civil war. One of the most important questions that the civil war creates is: was it inevitable? To find the answer to this question we must first state and analyze the causes of the civil war. In this research paper I will prove that the civil war was inevitable because the free states and the slave states would eventually break out in war since the problems between them would’ve never been solved if the war weren’t waged. Slavery is one of the main causes of the civil war, and although it seems as an exaggeration almost all other causes can relate back to slavery . The reason of why slavery is such a decisive and influential factor in the civil war is that slavery basically divided the country into two rivaling parties. The North which opposed slavery and saw as a crime against humanity and the South which praised slavery as one of…
Civil Liberties, Civil War During times of war or emergency, the principle salus populi est suprema lex reigns supreme. This is a Latin term whose meaning is that the welfare of an individual yields to that of the community. (Salus Populi Est Suprema Lex Definition:) The use of this term could justify extraordinary executive powers during extraordinary times, and Lincoln was justified in defending his actions against the antiwar Ohio Democratic congressman, Clement L. Vallandingham, as both…
Images and discussions of the Civil War focus on the battles and the hardship back east. The burnt out husks of the Old South and bodies of soldiers lie strewn on the ground in black and white photos from the era. Movies romanticize large white columns and women in corallines swearing that they will never go hungry again. While school books will touch some on the Board War between Kansas and Missouri, they leave out the ripple effects of the war on the Indian Territory, and those who have been…
The Civil War wasn’t all about the male soldiers on the battlefield. There were other soldiers fighting a different battle on the home front, and they were none other than the women. The lives that women lived during this time period are often over looked, but they played a huge role in the war. As noted by the article “Women and the Civil War”, “…when in 1861 the American Civil War broke out between the north and the south, both men and women became deeply involved in the conflict.” (Women and…
What was the cause of civil war? The Civil War is a very important and significant part of the history of the the United States. It started in 1861 and ended 1865. There are many causes for the civil war, and started after many years of economical and political problems and differences between the North and the South. Slavery also played a significant in why the war started and played a key roles in political and economical problems. The South depended on growing crops, and cotton was one of…
The American civil war was known to be the bloodiest battle in American history and the last war fought on American soil. The competitors of the American Civil War were the Union and the Confederacy, or North and South and both of the sides thought that the war would be quick but the war carried on for four years and killed two percent of the American population. The American Civil War turned America into a much stronger nation because of the many developments that it generated during the very…
Essay Question #2: The Freedom War I hate this the Civil War is called what it is. Civil is defined as being courteous and kind, but none of this existed from 1861-1865 as war raged in America. Over six hundred thousand people were killed in a war that was rooted in insurrection and rebellion. This war was violent gruesome, and filled with hatred for the other side. It was a modern war fought in the realm of antiquity. Somehow the cultural schisms between the Northern and Southern states grew…
Intro The American Civil War forever changed the face of a divided and troubled nation. The citizens of the United States turned against each other between the years of 1861 and 1865. The division between the Union and Confederacy involved issues from political and military, to economic and other major events. The significance of the Civil War was recorded not just through great politicians and generals, but also through the words of soldiers, wives and most importantly the former slaves.…
Why was the Civil war important to our nation? The Civil war was a war between the U.S and the Confederate states of America to gain freedom for our country. This specific war was led by our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, April 12, 1861 through May 13, 1865. After the Civil war, the nation advanced its freedom, slavery rights, and equality. If it weren’t for our country, winning the Civil war, we wouldn’t have had the freedom it has today. As Abraham Lincoln stated in the Gettysburg address,…
The Civil War was one of the most memorable and historical wars in America. The conflicting beliefs of the north and south lead to a war that consisted of at least 616,000 casualties. Originally, the war began in hopes to prevent the states of the south from leaving the Union of the U.S. States of the south seceded because of a difference of ideas regarding slavery. Some people believe that slavery was the primary cause of the Civil War, though slavery did play a major role in the upbringing of…