Slavery is one of the main causes of the civil war, and although it seems as an exaggeration almost all other causes can relate back to slavery . The reason of why slavery is such a decisive and influential factor in the civil war is that slavery basically divided the country into two rivaling parties. The North which opposed slavery and saw as a crime against humanity and the South which praised slavery as one of he most efficient ways of producing income for their states. The division of these two territories was made clear-cut when congress passed the Missouri compromise, which stated that, any state in the Louisiana Territory north of the 36° 30´ latitude line would be slavery free and that every state below this line would be allowed to have slavery . The old saying united we stand, divided we fall is an accurate representation of what happened in America. This division didn’t only make the country weak but it also created struggles within it that eventually led up to the civil war. One might think that this division could bring harmony and cooperation between the slave and free states, but the matter was more complex than expected. The division of the United States into free and slave states only brought an Isolation of culture and strong feelings of sectionalism to both parties. Another important cause of the civil war is economic. In a country that is as big as the United States you are bound to find difficulties in keeping it together. The Union of the United States has had a rough time since it’s beginnings, with the independence from England to slavery. But one of the most ferocious and hard to beat rivals that the Union has endured is nature itself. It might seem like an eerie association but it is indeed correct. The North and the South of the United States have distinctively different climates; while the North has a cold climate the south has a warmer and balanced climate. For this reason their economies are destined to differ. Because of the cold climate in the north agriculture is not a very efficient method of gaining profit, due to this the economy of the north was predominantly based on manufacturing. On the other hand, the south enjoyed a climate suited for agriculture and thus its economy was overwhelmingly dependent in agriculture . These different economies brought a lot of problems within the country. The issue was the following. The northern states of the United States were (as stated before) mainly an industrial economy. These manufacturing industries were young and weak at that time and produced low quality and expensive goods to …show more content…
But was the civil war inevitable? Yes it was. The causes presented in this paper would have eventually caused the civil war later in history even if peace were kept longer; the government was just postponing the inevitable since the country was already clearly divided into two opposing sides by very decisive issues that would only linger until an agreement was reached. Issues like slavery and the economy problem previously explained were very decisive factors since the opinions on these issues of both parties were completely opposing one another. The main problem was that if the beliefs of one party existed the other couldn’t. Both parties were unable to reach an agreement since neither of them was willing to sacrifice something to achieve peace. Even though the civil war was a great tragedy in American history I believe that if it were not to happen it would have led to a bigger and more catastrophic war in the future over the same issues that I explained in this