The American civil started purely as a military effort with limited political objectives especially for the white community. By early 1861 white citizen’s main aim of the fight was to preserve the union and as well maintain a democratic republic. The north fought for reunification whereas the south fought for independence during the initial stages of the civil war. However, the war changed between 1862 and 1863 as a result of emancipation. It is believed that the war took a different course or different goals due to emancipation. The war turned into a political, economic, as well as social revolution. The following paper will describe how the goals of the civil war changed between 1861 and 1863.
Most union men joined …show more content…
The slaves ran away from their owners at the time joined the northern armies in the fight to destroy confederacy. Consequently, Lincoln saw the abolition of slavery as a crucial part of the war and military strategy. He also viewed the act of abolition as morally right, hence important including it among the goals of the war (Whitenton, 2012). Emancipation was born and it changed the goals of the war to the disappointment of many white citizens. Most of the citizens were fighting for democracy, but they were disappointed with the turn of events as they had to continue fighting to help flee their property …show more content…
“The Emancipation Proclamation gave the Union the moral high ground, an increase in relations with European powers, and a potentially large new segment of manpower ripe for recruitment” (Whitenton, 2012). The white people in the north saw the goal of abolition as wildly unpopular as very small numbers had strong feelings in support of the idea. The northerners were in a similar opinion as the southerners when it came to the issue of the blacks or the slaves. They were not ready to lose their manpower and a lot of tension was created initially as the union supporters disagreed with the new goal of the war. To help ease the tension in the North Lincoln recruited more blacks into the Union army where they were to assume roles of a free man. Slaveholding was a part of the southerner’s culture and economy and they had to fight hard to maintain the black community. The European countries stand on slavery was clear as none of them joined the Confederates’ during the war. The Europeans were against slavery and saw it as morally wrong. On January 3rd of 1863 Lincoln led an endorsement for the southern region slave’s emancipation ( Staff,