War Of Attrition In The Civil War

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The American civil war was known to be the bloodiest battle in American history and the last war fought on American soil. The competitors of the American Civil War were the Union and the Confederacy, or North and South and both of the sides thought that the war would be quick but the war carried on for four years and killed two percent of the American population. The American Civil War turned America into a much stronger nation because of the many developments that it generated during the very close war. World War I portrays many of the new developments of the American Civil War. The American Civil War which is often called the first modern war represented a breeding and testing ground for new naval and air developments, new military strategies, …show more content…
The new strategy came to be known as fighting a war of attrition because one side would try to wear down the enemy population in any way possible regardless of some losses. Ulysses S. Grant first used the war of attrition in the Battle of The Wilderness where seven thousand more troops of the union died compared to the confederates death numbers. The most famous example of attrition warfare in the American Civil War was Sherman’s march to the sea. Sherman’s march to the sea represented one of the largest attacks which were purely meant to decrease the confederacy’s numbers. Sherman’s march to the sea spanned all the way across Georgia from Atlanta to Savannah. During Sherman’s march to the sea the union forces faced little resistance because the opposing commander sought to counterattack by invading Tennessee but ended up being met with formidable defenses. At the beginning of the march Sherman ordered his troops into two groups which would march to savannah about twenty to forty miles away from each other to cover more area and ordered his troops to destroy all sources of food along the way in an attack towards the confederate population. Many Georgians were affected by this devastating march and the results of this type of warfare were made evident by the amount of rebuilding in the South after the end of the American Civil

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